As believers and disciples of Yeshua (Christ), we are called to "be holy as He is holy". Our words and actions should bring honor and glory to YHWH our Elohim and Yeshua our Messiah. ANY conduct or habit which we have that is dishonorable or unholy should be done away with in our lives.
There are few (none, I hope) who would disagree with these statements. However, I will share my frustration with you tonight that statements are all they are. When I look around at the BELIEVING community in our nation, I do not see this! In fact, I see the opposite. If you are one of those "double minded", let me warn you that you will likely find offense in this article. If so, just be aware that you are finding offense at the truth of YHWH - His scriptures. Although many teachers, preachers, pastors, and so-called prophets do so, I will not attempt to sugar coat His truth. It is meant to shake us up, and it is time we allowed it to do so.
Halloween is just over a week away. Even Christians get excited in preparing for, decorating for, and participating in this holiday. Are we not aware that Halloween is the holiest day of the year for witches, satanists, etc? Are we seriously deluded enough to believe this is somehow an "OK" or "innocent" thing for us to participate in and pass down to our children? Scripture asks us, "What fellowship has light with darkness?" HALLOWEEN IS OPEN DARKNESS - OPEN EVIL! And we are celebrating it every year! Even our churches' "trunk or treat" or "holy-ween" celebrations are cowardly compromises with evil! We have become weak and ineffective in our world, and no wonder when we can't even stand up to this nonsense! Do we not have enough power to say no and take a stand against blatant evil? We serve a living, powerful, victorious God, but we have become weak and complacent.
Let me just say that YHWH leads His people step by single step. (Refusing to participate with obvious darkness is step 1.) He calls us to a step, and we decide whether or not we take it. What we think does not matter. Whether we like or understand it does not matter. He is God and we are not. We either step or we don't.
If we don't, we are in rebellion. This is not a good place to be - just ask your Bible.
If we do, then we must stand. Stand in that new place, on that new step, for as long as He leaves us there. It's usually uncomfortable. This is the part where we have to pay the price in the natural. This is the part where we are accused of being radical, legalistic, cantankerous, you name it. This is the part where "friends" and sometimes family turn away. This is where we are refined, shaped, and tested. Will we stand with Him? Or will we back down? Every day and every moment we must choose either Him or the world. He has drawn a line!
Once that time has passed, He shows us another step and the whole thing begins again! Our whole lives are a testing ground on whether we will follow Him or stand with Him or at what point we dig in our heels and go no further. These steps are designed to work HIS purpose in us - not our purposes or plans. It is rarely comfortable or pleasant - until it is finished. When we stand and come through on the other side, we are ALWAYS glad we did! Our God is merciful and loving and every step is for our good! He is not, however, permissive or tolerant of rebellion - don't get those mixed up.
Like it or not, scripture tells us repeatedly that we show our love to Him by obedience. Yeshua Himself taught this! Churches today won't touch it, but it's scriptural and it still stands as Truth in YHWH's kingdom!
So, step 1. We must (always but especially now) reject evil and darkness in ALL FORMS. This means Halloween.
Are we going to be obedient? Are we going to repent (be broken over and TURN AWAY FROM) our wrongdoing up to this point? Are we going to follow Him or the world?
We all have to choose. Please be prayerful and wise in your decision making. Steps 2, 3, etc. do not ever get revealed to us if we rebel at step 1. It is painfully obvious that time is running out. Play time is over, and the real disciples must rise up and serve. Is this you?
If so, let your voice be heard! We are hosting a "Take a Stand" Facebook event. Join us in reaching believers everywhere and taking a stand against darkness.
Here is the link: Our Facebook Event Page - Take a Stand!
We will be fasting the day of the 31st and praying during trick or treat hours! Join us!
This blog is dedicated to exploring true biblical Christianity. We are especially interested in the Hebrew Roots of the faith, and we seek to understand the biblical truths and customs which have been lost in today's modern churches.
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Thursday, July 10, 2014
Our First Book Club Read!!!
We're getting revved up! We're going to be officially beginning our first book together the week of July 27th. This should give everyone plenty of time to purchase the book and be ready!
How will this work? I will divide the book into several one-week sections. Each week, we will read that section. Sections are divided in such a way as to keep everyone together, without being too slow. Please do not get ahead or behind! In order for us to have meaningful conversation with one another, we should all stay together!
To discuss, simply come to The Returning Bride's book club forum page and take part in the conversation! This is open to all believers! This blog (and I) approach things from a Messianic perspective, but we welcome everyone, and we look forward to meaningful discussion. Before posting, please remember to review the "Tips" and "Announcements" sections of the forum for helpful information.
When we get close to the end of our book, we will announce the next one! Our goal is to form a community of book-worm believers who can read faith-building books together and discuss them. The online format means no meetings to attend, and no more stress on your schedule!
So.... Are you curious to hear what our first book will be?
A Prayer to Our Father: Hebrew Origins of the Lord's Prayer by Nehemiah Gordon and Keith Johnson! (ISBN: 978-0-9762637-4-6) One Karaite Jewish Scholar and one United Methodist Pastor join together to find the true meaning of the Lord's Prayer based on the original Hebrew! This will undoubtedly feed every believer's faith, and we look forward to sharing it with you.
Simply get a copy of the book and join in our reading schedule and discussion! We look forward to getting to know you.
***The reading schedule will be posted soon on our Facebook page and on the Book Club Forum page.
How will this work? I will divide the book into several one-week sections. Each week, we will read that section. Sections are divided in such a way as to keep everyone together, without being too slow. Please do not get ahead or behind! In order for us to have meaningful conversation with one another, we should all stay together!
To discuss, simply come to The Returning Bride's book club forum page and take part in the conversation! This is open to all believers! This blog (and I) approach things from a Messianic perspective, but we welcome everyone, and we look forward to meaningful discussion. Before posting, please remember to review the "Tips" and "Announcements" sections of the forum for helpful information.
When we get close to the end of our book, we will announce the next one! Our goal is to form a community of book-worm believers who can read faith-building books together and discuss them. The online format means no meetings to attend, and no more stress on your schedule!
A Prayer to Our Father: Hebrew Origins of the Lord's Prayer by Nehemiah Gordon and Keith Johnson! (ISBN: 978-0-9762637-4-6) One Karaite Jewish Scholar and one United Methodist Pastor join together to find the true meaning of the Lord's Prayer based on the original Hebrew! This will undoubtedly feed every believer's faith, and we look forward to sharing it with you.
Simply get a copy of the book and join in our reading schedule and discussion! We look forward to getting to know you.
***The reading schedule will be posted soon on our Facebook page and on the Book Club Forum page.
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
Book Club Under Construction!
The Returning Bride is working on something exciting - a book club with an online format!
This will be a chance for all of us to fellowship together and share some uplifting and faith-building books! Now, we can fellowship from our homes anywhere in the world and edify and learn from each other as we discuss topics relevant to our faith and the lives we lead as believers.
Because of the online format, this will work differently than traditional book clubs. We will be posting details and instructions (as well as the title of our first book) soon. For now, simply visit our Book Club Forum page and take a look around. Read our tips section, and introduce yourself while you're there! Just remember - the board can be viewed by anyone, so please don't post sensitive information.
I look forward to carrying this project forward and to meeting you on the forums soon!
***Picture courtesy of

Because of the online format, this will work differently than traditional book clubs. We will be posting details and instructions (as well as the title of our first book) soon. For now, simply visit our Book Club Forum page and take a look around. Read our tips section, and introduce yourself while you're there! Just remember - the board can be viewed by anyone, so please don't post sensitive information.
I look forward to carrying this project forward and to meeting you on the forums soon!
***Picture courtesy of
Thursday, May 15, 2014
The Old Covenant - Replaced by the New!
Most of you will be surprised to read this headline on this blog, but I promise you... it's true and I fully support it! This is the number 1 reason believers give for not obeying Torah, "law", but is it valid?
What is a covenant??? A covenant is a contract between 2 or more people. Marriage is a great example. My husband and I are in covenant, and there are certain responsibilities, rights, and expectations that come along with that. The covenant is between him and me and no one else. No one else has the same responsibilities towards me or has the right to expect the same things from me because my covenant is not with them. A covenant only involves the people who enter into it. Many believers are familiar with the covenants of scripture - blood covenants being the most prominent. In Genesis 15, YHVH made a covenant with Abraham by passing between the animal parts. In the tabernacle, animal blood sacrifices kept the covenant between YHVH and the children of Israel.
In Hebrews 7 and 8, Paul describes for us the how and why of the Old Covenant being done away with. He clearly states that the New Covenant has taken its place! But when we read these chapters and take his statements in context, we see where we have been so wrong for so long...
Paul makes it clear that the old priestly system and sacrificial system have been replaced by our High Priest, Yeshua (Jesus Christ). He makes the distinctions between blood sacrifices that had to be repeated yearly and the One sacrifice that did the job once and for all; between priests that first had to atone for their own sins and the High Priest who is sinless and perfect; between the earthly sanctuary (a mere copy and shadow of the heavenly things) and the heavenly sanctuary in which Yeshua currently intercedes for us. He makes it clear that the old is obsolete.
However, the major confusion with this teaching is that, somehow, God's law has been done away with as well. This is error, and the body of Christ needs to be aware of the truth!
What is law? Is it covenant?? No! Law applies to everyone within its jurisdiction - no agreement or contract is necessary. You are ruled by law because of where you live, and laws differ from place to place. Scripture defines sin as the breaking of God's law.
Has Paul told us that YHVH's law was replaced by Christ???? No! But that is what is commonly taught today.
The word "law" in the English is used in these chapters quite frequently. However, according to Strong's Concordance (G3551) the word means "regulation" when used generically and "THE Law" (of God) when used specifically. In order to know which meaning is intended, we would have to look at the original text and see the original usage. We have to remember, our Bibles were translated into, not written in, English. Languages do not translate seamlessly, and every language uses words and grammar in different ways. The presence of the word "the" in the English translation is simply due to the structure of the English language, not the original intended meaning of "law." Because of this, we cannot be sure of the original intent for the purpose of this writing. However, it has to be understood that either meaning is possible.
So, how does that help us? We still have context! When we read the entirety of chapters 7 and 8 of Hebrews, we hear Paul's words. We know from this that he is discussing the old priestly system vs. the new priestly system. Never does he discuss a behavior or expectation of a group of people, only covenant agreement and Levitical tabernacle protocol. The law in the sense of the commandments and precepts of YHVH is not part of the explanation at all! In order to come away with the understanding that God's law is now obsolete, we have to place meaning into the text that isn't there.
When we understand this, we understand that scripture is not contradictory when it tells us that "we know that we know Him, if we keep His commandments. He who says 'I know Him' and does not keep His commandments, is a liar." (1 John 2:3-4)
Furthermore, we are told to "WALK JUST AS HE WALKED". (1 John 2:6) We are to live as He lived and be Christ-like. Every believer knows this. If He kept God's law (and taught it), why don't we??? If He kept the biblical feasts and sabbaths, why don't we? How can we say that we are walking as He walked???
One last point... In Yeshua's own words, he said that "repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His name to all nations.." (Luke 24:47) If there is no law, there is no sin to repent of or remit. If He were doing away with law, He would know that and would have given a different command to his disciples. It is our sins which are remitted, not the law. It is the difference between me having a speeding ticket forgiven or the speed limit laws being revoked so as to erase any possibility of guilt. My forgiveness does not erase law, and it does not grant me permission to live lawlessly.
The Old Covenant which is done away with is NOT the law! Throughout the New Testament, you will read that believers are exhorted to holiness and keeping law, not breaking it or throwing it away. Under this New Covenant, incidentally, Paul (in Hebrews 8) quotes from the Old Testament that the law will be written on our hearts, not done away with.
Throughout scripture you will also find that the lawless are rejected by YHVH, they are not His people. He values obedience and, yes, grace and mercy. You are forgiven of your sins, but you are not excused from His law.
Remember, covenant applies to willing participants, law applies to jurisdiction. Our entering into the New Covenant brings us into YHVH's Kingdom. YHVH's Kingdom is governed by His law. Being disobedient is being sinful, and..
What is a covenant??? A covenant is a contract between 2 or more people. Marriage is a great example. My husband and I are in covenant, and there are certain responsibilities, rights, and expectations that come along with that. The covenant is between him and me and no one else. No one else has the same responsibilities towards me or has the right to expect the same things from me because my covenant is not with them. A covenant only involves the people who enter into it. Many believers are familiar with the covenants of scripture - blood covenants being the most prominent. In Genesis 15, YHVH made a covenant with Abraham by passing between the animal parts. In the tabernacle, animal blood sacrifices kept the covenant between YHVH and the children of Israel.
In Hebrews 7 and 8, Paul describes for us the how and why of the Old Covenant being done away with. He clearly states that the New Covenant has taken its place! But when we read these chapters and take his statements in context, we see where we have been so wrong for so long...
Paul makes it clear that the old priestly system and sacrificial system have been replaced by our High Priest, Yeshua (Jesus Christ). He makes the distinctions between blood sacrifices that had to be repeated yearly and the One sacrifice that did the job once and for all; between priests that first had to atone for their own sins and the High Priest who is sinless and perfect; between the earthly sanctuary (a mere copy and shadow of the heavenly things) and the heavenly sanctuary in which Yeshua currently intercedes for us. He makes it clear that the old is obsolete.
However, the major confusion with this teaching is that, somehow, God's law has been done away with as well. This is error, and the body of Christ needs to be aware of the truth!
What is law? Is it covenant?? No! Law applies to everyone within its jurisdiction - no agreement or contract is necessary. You are ruled by law because of where you live, and laws differ from place to place. Scripture defines sin as the breaking of God's law.
Has Paul told us that YHVH's law was replaced by Christ???? No! But that is what is commonly taught today.
The word "law" in the English is used in these chapters quite frequently. However, according to Strong's Concordance (G3551) the word means "regulation" when used generically and "THE Law" (of God) when used specifically. In order to know which meaning is intended, we would have to look at the original text and see the original usage. We have to remember, our Bibles were translated into, not written in, English. Languages do not translate seamlessly, and every language uses words and grammar in different ways. The presence of the word "the" in the English translation is simply due to the structure of the English language, not the original intended meaning of "law." Because of this, we cannot be sure of the original intent for the purpose of this writing. However, it has to be understood that either meaning is possible.
So, how does that help us? We still have context! When we read the entirety of chapters 7 and 8 of Hebrews, we hear Paul's words. We know from this that he is discussing the old priestly system vs. the new priestly system. Never does he discuss a behavior or expectation of a group of people, only covenant agreement and Levitical tabernacle protocol. The law in the sense of the commandments and precepts of YHVH is not part of the explanation at all! In order to come away with the understanding that God's law is now obsolete, we have to place meaning into the text that isn't there.
When we understand this, we understand that scripture is not contradictory when it tells us that "we know that we know Him, if we keep His commandments. He who says 'I know Him' and does not keep His commandments, is a liar." (1 John 2:3-4)
Furthermore, we are told to "WALK JUST AS HE WALKED". (1 John 2:6) We are to live as He lived and be Christ-like. Every believer knows this. If He kept God's law (and taught it), why don't we??? If He kept the biblical feasts and sabbaths, why don't we? How can we say that we are walking as He walked???
One last point... In Yeshua's own words, he said that "repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His name to all nations.." (Luke 24:47) If there is no law, there is no sin to repent of or remit. If He were doing away with law, He would know that and would have given a different command to his disciples. It is our sins which are remitted, not the law. It is the difference between me having a speeding ticket forgiven or the speed limit laws being revoked so as to erase any possibility of guilt. My forgiveness does not erase law, and it does not grant me permission to live lawlessly.
The Old Covenant which is done away with is NOT the law! Throughout the New Testament, you will read that believers are exhorted to holiness and keeping law, not breaking it or throwing it away. Under this New Covenant, incidentally, Paul (in Hebrews 8) quotes from the Old Testament that the law will be written on our hearts, not done away with.
Throughout scripture you will also find that the lawless are rejected by YHVH, they are not His people. He values obedience and, yes, grace and mercy. You are forgiven of your sins, but you are not excused from His law.
Remember, covenant applies to willing participants, law applies to jurisdiction. Our entering into the New Covenant brings us into YHVH's Kingdom. YHVH's Kingdom is governed by His law. Being disobedient is being sinful, and..
"For if we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a certain fearful expectation of judgment, and fiery indignation which will devour the adversaries." (Hebrews 10:26-27)
For more on this, please see our article, "Messianic Misconceptions #3: Legalism!"
Friday, March 28, 2014
To Chose Him as our Lord....
What does it really mean to choose YHVH as our God/Lord??? I'm sure different denominations teach varying definitions, but I came across something in scripture today that struck me. Today, most are merely taught decisionism - simply decide He is your God, and He is. This is not entirely true! YHVH tells us in scripture in detail what it means to choose Him. In fact, He lays out for us both sides of the agreement!
Even though we choose YHVH ourselves, (and yes, we are saved by faith through Yeshua, our Messiah), we must recognize that we are choosing to enter into covenant with Him. Just as we choose our spouse, but entered into a covenant where we were expected to hold up our end!
If there is any doubt that this is applicable for believers today, please see 1 Peter 2:9 ...
Many of us as believers today have been taught only a "piece and parcel" approach to scripture. We are given snippets, which have been torn from their larger context and intent. If we are to truly understand our Bibles and truly be YHVH's people, we MUST know Him and His Word properly - as it was written and as it was intended. Read the Word in it's entirety! Don't take my word for it - or anyone else's. Read it for yourself and hear what He wants you to hear. Then, dig in! Study to the best of your ability, and you'll begin to see a clear picture emerge of who YHVH really is and what He wants for and from His people!
As usual, I'm begging you.. PLEASE... if you call yourself a Christian, one of YHVH's peculiar people, MAKE SURE you are His according to the standard that He places on us in scripture. Don't simply go by what anyone (and I do mean anyone) tells you. There are those out there who will knowingly lie to you, and there are those who are sincere but have been taught wrongly themselves. In the end, we are all accountable for ourselves, and we must seek HIM ourselves if we hope to be His people.
Please note: The scriptures in this article are from the KJV translation. When LORD appears in capital letters, it is an indication given to us by the translators that this is where the Name of God appears in the original text. When you see this, you know that at that point in scripture, the original reads YHVH (yod-hey-vav-hey), the four Hebrew letters which spell His Name. We sing songs about praising His Name, it's time we knew that Name and began to truly Praise it!
"Thou has avouched the LORD this day to be thy God, and to walk in his ways, and to keep his statutes, and his commandments, and his judgments, and to hearken unto his voice: And the LORD hath avouched thee this day to be his peculiar people, as he hath promised thee, and that thou shouldest keep all his commandments; and to make thee high above all nations which he hath made, in praise, and in name, and in honour; and that thou mayest be an holy people unto the LORD thy God, as he hath spoken." (Deuteronomy 26:17-19
Image courtesy of :

If there is any doubt that this is applicable for believers today, please see 1 Peter 2:9 ...
"but ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of his who hath called yo out of darkness into his marvellous light"
Notice the similarity in the language?? We gladly claim these promises today, but we fail to acknowledge that we are expected to hold up our end of the bargain as well!! These words were written by Peter, who walked with Christ himself! In this very letter, he addresses his audience (the "strangers scattered throughout" referring to the lost house of Israel in the diaspora) as:
"Elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father through sanctification of the Spirit, unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ: Grace unto you, and peace, be multiplied."
Many of us as believers today have been taught only a "piece and parcel" approach to scripture. We are given snippets, which have been torn from their larger context and intent. If we are to truly understand our Bibles and truly be YHVH's people, we MUST know Him and His Word properly - as it was written and as it was intended. Read the Word in it's entirety! Don't take my word for it - or anyone else's. Read it for yourself and hear what He wants you to hear. Then, dig in! Study to the best of your ability, and you'll begin to see a clear picture emerge of who YHVH really is and what He wants for and from His people!
As usual, I'm begging you.. PLEASE... if you call yourself a Christian, one of YHVH's peculiar people, MAKE SURE you are His according to the standard that He places on us in scripture. Don't simply go by what anyone (and I do mean anyone) tells you. There are those out there who will knowingly lie to you, and there are those who are sincere but have been taught wrongly themselves. In the end, we are all accountable for ourselves, and we must seek HIM ourselves if we hope to be His people.
Monday, March 17, 2014
Our Challenge!
On our Facebook page, we issued a challenge... Are you up for it????
Scripture indicates that YHVH is looking for those who will worship Him in Spirit AND in Truth! (John 4:23) Let's seek to be those people!
Let's learn the truth about our traditions. The challenge is this... Spend at least one hour researching the history and origins of Easter (April 20th this year). Use any credible source and cross-reference what you find to make sure of its truth. You may be surprised what you find out!
If you are participating in this challenge to believers, please like our Facebook challenge post.
(Our Facebook Page Here!)
Test our claims and see if they are true! If they are, join us in celebrating Passover this year - the BIBLICAL celebration of Christ's sacrifice, and First Fruits - the BIBLICAL celebration of His resurrection.
Truth will always lead you closer (not further from) Yeshua (Jesus Christ). Regardless of your denominations and traditions, don't be afraid to dig into the truth of your faith!
Scripture indicates that YHVH is looking for those who will worship Him in Spirit AND in Truth! (John 4:23) Let's seek to be those people!
Let's learn the truth about our traditions. The challenge is this... Spend at least one hour researching the history and origins of Easter (April 20th this year). Use any credible source and cross-reference what you find to make sure of its truth. You may be surprised what you find out!
If you are participating in this challenge to believers, please like our Facebook challenge post.
(Our Facebook Page Here!)
Test our claims and see if they are true! If they are, join us in celebrating Passover this year - the BIBLICAL celebration of Christ's sacrifice, and First Fruits - the BIBLICAL celebration of His resurrection.
Truth will always lead you closer (not further from) Yeshua (Jesus Christ). Regardless of your denominations and traditions, don't be afraid to dig into the truth of your faith!
Sunday, February 16, 2014
Response to Facebook Post:
After sharing a picture on Facebook which stated, "The
Messiah wore Tzit-Tzit, ate kosher, celebrated Passover, kept the Sabbath, and
obeyed Torah.... Which Messiah are you following again?", I received a
comment from a woman whom I personally know to be genuine in her faith and in
pursuit of Christ. (The post can be seen
on our Facebook page, but cannot be reposted on this blog.)
Her response to this post was genuine and honest, and thoroughly in line
with the modern understanding of Christ's gospel.
However, I believe this needs and deserves an honest
response, which is much too long for a Facebook post, so I am responding here. Again, this comes from someone whom I
personally know and have worshiped with, and my intent is not to attack in any
way. This is not the case of a luke-warm
believer trying to pick a fight; these women are truly seeking God. The comment was as follows:
Support Jesus Christ He
fulfilled all them, my Messiah is the Messiah who came that I might live and be
apart of the new covenant that He established with His Death, Burial and
Resurrection. He began the Church age when He said on the Rock (meaning Himself
it would be established) It began on the day of Pentecost and continues today,
He removed the traditions and requirements of the law according to the book of
Hebrews, and the book of Galatians, I live under the new covenant and my desire
is to walk according to Him, He has written His law in my heart. What Messiah
do you think you are trying to impress with your constant proclaiming of the
law, the Sabbath, etc. ?
Many of these topics have been covered elsewhere in this
blog - particularly the topic of the law having been done away with. For this reason, I will not spend much time
on details here, but I will lay out some considerations I believe to be very
important. We must remember that no
church or denomination will get us to YHVH (God), Christ has told us we can
only come to the Father through Him. (John 14:6) In the end, we must all seek Christ (Yeshua)
the Messiah for ourselves! It is His
Truth we must understand, not the teachings of man!!!
Consideration #1: We
must stop dividing the Word of God into 2 parts. The "old" testament and the
"new" testament. This is a
misunderstanding of the covenants!!!
What we consider to be the "new" covenant is not a complete
do-over, but a re-confirming of the covenant we've had with YHVH all
along. Consider how many times Jesus is
quoted as saying something to the effect of "I and my Father are
one." (John 10:30) How can they be perfectly unified if they each have
their own 1/2 of scripture and the teachings/requirements are contradictory to
each other??? Doesn't scripture tell us
that Jesus is "the same yesterday, today, and forever", that God
never changes and "does not
lie"? (Heb 13:8, Num 23:19, 1 Sam 15:29)
How then could His Word change 1/2 way through? How could He completely
change what He expects from His people, expecting one kind of faith from
Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Elijah, Joseph, etc., but another less obedient kind
from us??? I believe that we have
completely misunderstood the true nature of Christ's gospel! He is our Savior, Redeemer, Messiah, and we
are saved by grace through faith in Him alone.
But His teachings have been hijacked over the course of centuries and
turned into something they never were.
If we are to follow Him, we must understand Him, and we can only do that
by knowing Him and His Words ourselves, not what has been passed down through
Consideration #2: God
is not the God of confusion! (1 Cor 14:33).
Why would Jesus say things like, "not one jot or tittle shall by
any means pass from the law"(Matt 5:17-18), "If you love me, keep my
commandments,"(John 14:15) and
"it is easier for heaven and earth to fail that one tittle of the
law" (Luke 16:17) if He came to do away with it? Why would He keep it to the very letter, and
then ask us to seek to be like Him, if we weren't to keep the law? Why would He not explain to us the change or
the difference between 'His law' and 'God's law' if one existed? Why would He claim to be One with His Father,
if He were not??? We must remember,
Israel was God's covenant people, and many were divorced from Him because of
idolatry and disobedience. The promised
Messiah came through the covenant people to restore the covenant for all! If He was trying to break this
"old" covenant, He would have broken it in some way, instead of
fulfilling it in every way! We are
invited to return to our original covenant with our creator through Christ, not
to create a new one!
Finally, how logical are these statements?:
1. "The law is
written on my heart, so I don't have to keep the law."
2. "The law is
done away with, it is written on my heart."
These statements don't even make sense. The only part of these statements supported
by scripture is that the YHVH will write His law on the heart of His people.
(Jer. 31:33) The rest, I believe is a
misunderstanding of the gospel. Why
would God write a done-away-with law on your heart? Scripture exhorts us to obedience and wisdom
(Proverbs is a great example), we cannot accept illogical and inconsistent
beliefs such as these, and we cannot live and do as we please and think we are
serving Him.
The points made here are only to be a starting point. Please see my other posts about the Law
(Messianic Misconceptions), Cancelling Christmas, A Line in the Sand, and the video I shared, "Identity
Crisis" for full information and explanation. I'm begging every believer who ever reads my
words to stop and take an account of your faith before YHVH using ONLY the
standard of His Word. There are
thousands of denominations of Christianity teaching thousands of varying
"truths", but the only true Truth is God's Word. You HAVE TO know it for yourself and FOLLOW
Jesus in OBEYING YHVH, not in man's traditions!
May YHVH bless you all as you continue to seek Him in Truth!
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Good evening, all! In an effort to establish myself as a new author and promote my recently published book, The Little Seed, I have moved ...

Here lately, the Father has been teaching me about His Kingdom, spiritual authority, and even spiritual warfare. One excellent ministry tha...
Hello, everyone! I am happy to announce that I've started a C.R. Madewell author page on Facebook. If you are interested in joining u...
This is by far the most common and vehement objection to the Hebrew Roots movement that I have encountered! I've heard it pre...