As believers and disciples of Yeshua (Christ), we are called to "be holy as He is holy". Our words and actions should bring honor and glory to YHWH our Elohim and Yeshua our Messiah. ANY conduct or habit which we have that is dishonorable or unholy should be done away with in our lives.
There are few (none, I hope) who would disagree with these statements. However, I will share my frustration with you tonight that statements are all they are. When I look around at the BELIEVING community in our nation, I do not see this! In fact, I see the opposite. If you are one of those "double minded", let me warn you that you will likely find offense in this article. If so, just be aware that you are finding offense at the truth of YHWH - His scriptures. Although many teachers, preachers, pastors, and so-called prophets do so, I will not attempt to sugar coat His truth. It is meant to shake us up, and it is time we allowed it to do so.
Halloween is just over a week away. Even Christians get excited in preparing for, decorating for, and participating in this holiday. Are we not aware that Halloween is the holiest day of the year for witches, satanists, etc? Are we seriously deluded enough to believe this is somehow an "OK" or "innocent" thing for us to participate in and pass down to our children? Scripture asks us, "What fellowship has light with darkness?" HALLOWEEN IS OPEN DARKNESS - OPEN EVIL! And we are celebrating it every year! Even our churches' "trunk or treat" or "holy-ween" celebrations are cowardly compromises with evil! We have become weak and ineffective in our world, and no wonder when we can't even stand up to this nonsense! Do we not have enough power to say no and take a stand against blatant evil? We serve a living, powerful, victorious God, but we have become weak and complacent.
Let me just say that YHWH leads His people step by single step. (Refusing to participate with obvious darkness is step 1.) He calls us to a step, and we decide whether or not we take it. What we think does not matter. Whether we like or understand it does not matter. He is God and we are not. We either step or we don't.
If we don't, we are in rebellion. This is not a good place to be - just ask your Bible.
If we do, then we must stand. Stand in that new place, on that new step, for as long as He leaves us there. It's usually uncomfortable. This is the part where we have to pay the price in the natural. This is the part where we are accused of being radical, legalistic, cantankerous, you name it. This is the part where "friends" and sometimes family turn away. This is where we are refined, shaped, and tested. Will we stand with Him? Or will we back down? Every day and every moment we must choose either Him or the world. He has drawn a line!
Once that time has passed, He shows us another step and the whole thing begins again! Our whole lives are a testing ground on whether we will follow Him or stand with Him or at what point we dig in our heels and go no further. These steps are designed to work HIS purpose in us - not our purposes or plans. It is rarely comfortable or pleasant - until it is finished. When we stand and come through on the other side, we are ALWAYS glad we did! Our God is merciful and loving and every step is for our good! He is not, however, permissive or tolerant of rebellion - don't get those mixed up.
Like it or not, scripture tells us repeatedly that we show our love to Him by obedience. Yeshua Himself taught this! Churches today won't touch it, but it's scriptural and it still stands as Truth in YHWH's kingdom!
So, step 1. We must (always but especially now) reject evil and darkness in ALL FORMS. This means Halloween.
Are we going to be obedient? Are we going to repent (be broken over and TURN AWAY FROM) our wrongdoing up to this point? Are we going to follow Him or the world?
We all have to choose. Please be prayerful and wise in your decision making. Steps 2, 3, etc. do not ever get revealed to us if we rebel at step 1. It is painfully obvious that time is running out. Play time is over, and the real disciples must rise up and serve. Is this you?
If so, let your voice be heard! We are hosting a "Take a Stand" Facebook event. Join us in reaching believers everywhere and taking a stand against darkness.
Here is the link: Our Facebook Event Page - Take a Stand!
We will be fasting the day of the 31st and praying during trick or treat hours! Join us!
This blog is dedicated to exploring true biblical Christianity. We are especially interested in the Hebrew Roots of the faith, and we seek to understand the biblical truths and customs which have been lost in today's modern churches.
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
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Good evening, all! In an effort to establish myself as a new author and promote my recently published book, The Little Seed, I have moved ...

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