I find it very interesting that so many Christian women seem to be running head-long into 1 Corinthians 11, and, for the first time in their lives, wrestling with YHWH concerning covering their heads. Personally, I fell this is one of several areas where I have noticed YHWH bringing His people back to His ways!!!
If you have not read "Straight Talk About Head Covering - Part 1," please do so before continuing with this post. In the first segment, I discussed the biblical passage in 1 Corinthians and what is does and does not say about the issue. That post was intended to be as straight-forward as possible and to stick solely to scripture. After all, in the end, our experiences, opinions, cultures, etc. are no match for YHWH's Word. While those things can and do provide valuable insight, ultimately, His Word alone is the authority. It is always the bottom line - the last Word on any subject!
In this post, I want to discuss my personal experiences and feelings while and about head covering. This post is much more subjective, and much less authoritative, but I hope to share something that may either be beneficial or encouraging to you.
Personally, I feel that the admonition for a woman to cover her head when she prays/prophesies to be biblically valid. I always try to remember to grab a scarf when I pray or when I go to church. I have come to this understanding because of the biblical passage and reasoning I shared in the first post.
However, as a woman, it still remains for me to make sense of the whole thing! Because I did not grow up in a culture where head covering was normal (I never saw it until I was an adult.), and because there is so much discrepancy in modern teaching on the subject, it really came down to me trying to figure it all out on my own. Internet research and YouTube videos were helpful but not concretely decisive. I found myself working through many of the questions and considerations I have heard other women discussing and trying to talk it through with YHWH to come to an absolute understanding.
One example, which helps me to understand better, is this...
When Kings ruled Europe, they held court. Court has protocols, certain behaviors and standards which are considered proper and are expected to be adhered to. You can read about this in Esther when she goes before the King uninvited, taking her life into her hands. The point is, you don't just go into a King's presence any-old-way you please! Even today, if visiting the Queen of England, there are proprieties to be adhered to. If this is true of earthly Kings, how much more would it be true of YHWH - the King of the Universe, the King of Kings! Scripture mentions the head covering for women who are praying or prophesying. In my understanding, you have to come into His presence for both - to speak TO Him and to speak FROM Him to others. The head covering, then, becomes proper attire! It shows our place in His created order, submission to the authority structure He has put into place, and it covers "man's glory" in deference to YHWH's glory! (Please see 1 Corinthians 11 for clarity on these points.) Even the creatures before His throne cover their heads and feet in His presence and sing, "Holy, Holy, Holy!" Incidentally, I also consider head covering proper attire for worship, based on this same understanding. While it isn't directly mentioned in the scripture, it follows logically in my mind.
Also, consider this....
1 Corinthians 11 refers to head covering (on a woman) as a "sign of authority because of the angels." I don't know anyone who fully understands this verse and can explain it to me, nor have I found anyone online. The details of this are pretty much a mystery. However, we know what a sign of authority is! If a man knocks on your door, claiming to be a police officer, and asks for entry into your home, you would ask to see his badge! This is the symbol of the authority he has as an officer of the law. Without it, you may rightly doubt that he is who he says he is or that he has such authority! If an officer came into work without his badge, could he even work??? (I don't know, just a thought.) Part of the reasoning given by scripture for women covering our heads is authority to angels! The passage clearly spells out the authority structure for us - YHWH, then Messiah, then the husband, then the wife. When we wear our head coverings, it is the symbol that we are in line under our husbands, and therefore, we are operating according to the proper authority structure! I can't help but wonder if prayer would then be more effective!!! Remember, angels serve us, and the evil spirits are fallen angels and their offspring! (We won't go into all that here.) The point is, whatever reason for your prayer, it will most certainly involve angels in some way!
So, that's it for my understanding of head covering. I have many questions to which I would love to have answers, but I don't. Maybe the Father will bring some of those answers to me as time goes on.
But what about my experience? Well, my husband is supportive of my decision either way. If I wear it, he likes it, if I don't he's fine. It's pretty much between me and the Father. Not all women have it that easy; some husbands aren't very supportive, and this causes the woman herself some issues. Because that is not my experience, I won't try to discuss those, but if you are a man reading this, please prayerfully consider what I'm saying. Your wife is more dependent on your leadership and support than you know. Most women face opposition from family, friends, and the public at large when making this change, and your support could be everything to her!
As for style, I have worn a few. I haven't tried any that are associated with a particular group, such as the Amish, and I certainly steer clear of Muslim hi-jab styles because I do not wish to be associated with Islam. My preference is to cover my hair completely in an up-do, kind of way, much like Jewish married women sometimes do. If you're interested, find "Wrapunzel" on YouTube to see what I'm talking about. I typically wear my hair up anyway, so this is a natural fit to me. I have also worn my hair down and covered, but not as often. The scripture indicates we should cover our heads, not our hair, so, in my view, as long as your head is covered, you are within the "code". I consider a headband a covering as long as it is wide enough to cover the crown of my head as well as the top. As mentioned in the previous article, modesty is not the point! It is a great side benefit, but not the point according to 1 Corinthians 11. I say that not to encourage wild, immodest coverings, but to say that different styles can meet the requirements of scripture.
As I stated before, however, head covering is not a part of my culture - either in society or in my family. As such, many people I've encountered have had many reactions. I have come to understand, however, that ALL of the reactions are based on ignorance! Not one person has asked me to explain or tried to understand my views; and because these views aren't common in today's world, they don't understand what they are seeing. That, for me, is the most frustrating part! I don't mind if someone disagrees with me, but it irks me when people assume or jump to conclusions without seeking to understand. It's a personal pet-peeve of mine.
That being said, reactions have varied widely. I often get glances or stares. People seem to almost fear me or at least want to stay away from me. This is uncomfortable, of course, but there's not much I can do. Some, usually family, are more bold and make pointed remarks about not having washed my hair or something. If asked, I try to offer a short, concise explanation. If not asked, I don't offer. I don't feel anyone is likely to be open to the reasoning if they aren't open to asking the question. It's a mix between respecting their wishes/boundaries and not wasting my breath! I have found that when I cover, I am put into the position of being "set apart". It's uncomfortable (socially speaking), and I have to basically hold Daddy's (YHWH's) hand.
Personally, though, I enjoy covering, and I would like to do it full time. I am certainly free to do so, but I still find myself struggling with some of the tension it causes, especially in my family. I am still at a stage where I feel torn, in a way. This is a very personal struggle, and I'm sure many women face it.
I have to admit, though, it can be lots of fun! I don't make too much of a fashion-thing out of it because I don't want it to lose it's significance or become unseemly in YHWH's eyes. However, it can be just as much fun to match your scarves for covering with your outfit as your shoes! I was never one to spend much time on my hair anyway, and now I have physical limitations in my shoulders due to a nerve injury, so this gives me a quick alternative that looks nice and coordinated. I do want to caution, though, while head covering isn't about modesty, modesty should still be maintained. While matching and coordinating to look nice are fine and good (in my opinion), being flamboyant or going "too far" can defeat the true purpose! In fact, it is believed that head coverings fell out of practice in the western Christian churches after the tradition "morphed" from scarf/cloth coverings to hats. Those hats because increasingly fancy, and it became a "fashion thing". Once the fashion faded, women went uncovered all-together. Even little deviations from the true purpose or expression of a thing can lead much further than we imagine!
If you are a woman reading this, and you are wrestling with the idea yourself, my advice would be this:
1. Lean on YHWH above all. Not all people will understand, like the change, or support you, but they are not the King of the court!
2. Make an effort to understand BIBLICAL headship, not male-dominance (there is a BIG difference)! This will help you to understand your value (which is very high) and your position (which is one of honor) and allow you to cover for the right reason with joy instead of shame!
3. Stick with the scriptural requirements as well as any convictions YHWH has given you personally. Do not feel like you have to fall in line with every opinion given - even those of other covering women!
4. Be supportive of all women! We are all in this together! When given the chance, share your convictions and reasons for covering in love. You may be the one to plant this seed in another one of YHWH's daughters!
5. If your husband is not supportive, honor him. Find out what he is OK with and what not. Maybe ask him to study it through with you, and pray the the Father will set his heart on the right decision. However, the whole thing is about authority, so don't dishonor authority in your attempts to honor it!
6. Try what speaks to you and go find yourself!!!
Thank you for listening to my personal rants on the subject! If you have any perspective or input to add, either as a woman who covers or a man who supports covering (or not), please feel free to let me know!
May YHWH bless you abundantly as you honor Him in all your ways!!!
This blog is dedicated to exploring true biblical Christianity. We are especially interested in the Hebrew Roots of the faith, and we seek to understand the biblical truths and customs which have been lost in today's modern churches.
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