Thursday, July 5, 2012

Divine Spark!

I just heard on TV an actor giving a statistic in support of evolution.  Namely, this was that apes were 98.6% the same (genetically speaking) as humans, leaving a mere difference of 1.4%.

I'm not sure if this statistic is accurate, but I'm willing to accept it for the sake of this argument.

However, let's look at how that 1.4% plays out in actuality:

Humans have:
1:  Formed governments, nations, alliances, etc., organizing themselves, governing themselves, and dominating the earth.
2:  Created, invented, and advanced in technology, making formerly impossible tasks possible and improving our quality of life in various ways.
3:  Taken up causes and championed efforts to relieve the sick, poor, oppressed, abused, forgotten, and unfortunate of the earth.
4:  And many other behaviors and abilities that, in real life, separate us from primates by immeasurable distances.  It is not that other creatures have merely been less successful at these pursuits, but that they have not attempted them at all!  There is no significant evidence of these achievements elsewhere.

The Bible says that we are created in the image of God.  I've heard this referred to as the "divine spark."  It's certain to say that 1.4% of our genetic code creates, somehow, a vast difference between us and the apes.  It's amazing to think of how much information must be coded into every 1% of DNA!  First to think that every single aspect of your nature (from hair color to the length and shape of your fingers) is all coded into the DNA itself.  But, then also to think that 1.4% makes such a difference!

Any rational, objective person would freely admit that such an information system, which goes far beyond our most advanced computer abilities, would absolutely require a designer/creator - not only for the creation of the code system itself, but also for the upkeep of such a system (for it could not operate, reproduce, or make repairs  by sheer chance).  (See video: "God of Wonders")

But, also, look at the differences themselves!  Using only the list above (although we could list many others), we dominate, organize, cooperate, create, improve, reach out, relieve, etc.  Are these not god-like in nature?  Are we not, in fact, created in His image and, therefore, separate from all other creatures on earth?  Does He not organize and govern us?  Did He not give us the command and responsibility to subdue the earth?  Is He not the ultimate creator - creating us and many other unspeakably wonderful things in this world?  Has he not championed our cause in sending His Son, Jesus, to die for us and provide for us a way to escape death and Hell?  Is He not yet further our champion in providing our needs, hearing our prayers, etc.? 

All things and creatures created reflect the creativity and power of God.  However, none but His masterpiece - the human race - reflect His image!  If in fact, we are only 1.4% genetically separated from apes or any other creature, we should take careful note.  God, could, in fact, be showing us what we are without Him!

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