Monday, August 13, 2012

Do You Believe the Lies???

Over the last 3-4 years of my Christian walk, God has really dealt with me on TRUE vs. false Christianity.  As such, I have developed a few passions - a few subjects that are absolutely near and dear to my heart.  You have them, too, I'm sure.  You know, the ones that make you want to shake someone until they hear the truth!

One of these for me is that Christians should not be ignorant.  We should not "check our brains" at the church door or be intimidated by any of the world's philosophies or arguments.  Remember - the truth is on our side!

At the beginning of this development in my faith, God spoke to me through many authors, speakers, etc.  One of the first (and one of my personal favorites) was Erwin Lutzer.  I have read several of his books, and I've found every one of them to be helpful and enlightening!  I would highly recommend him to you.

One of the first books of his I read was "10 Lies About God (And The Truth That Shatters Deception)".  It is available on video form, and I found it on YouTube!  Sometimes, the video can be a better option if you're short on time, or if you're more of an auditory learner (plus, it rewinds!).

I hope you will take the time to watch these videos (there are 12, altogether 1 1/2 hours or so) or read the book.  We should ALL be able to answer these common questions/objections/challenges to our faith.  I strongly believe that we should be able to stand our ground in the face of any challenge - both for the benefit of our own strength and the benefit of those around us, both lost and saved.  Enjoy!  And don't forget to post a comment to let me know what you think!

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