Thursday, October 11, 2012


Most of us (including myself) have celebrated Halloween at one time or another.  Whether we just went trick-or-treating, went to parties, played pranks, or got into more troublesome activities, we likely just saw it as innocent fun.  Even today, many sincere believers take part in traditional Halloween activities unaware of what it is that they are truly celebrating.

The seemingly innocent activities of Halloween commemorate horrific and ungodly activities that we would never take part in or even condone from a distance.  During the last several years of my Christian walk, the Lord has brought to my attention the truth behind these things, and I have come to the conclusion that I can not in good conscience continue to take part.

As your sister in Christ, let me challenge you to stop and take a good look at what is going on around you and what you are possibly participating in.  Simply research the background of Halloween, and (although you will find variations in minor details) you will see the true nature of this evening.  I encourage you to give serious thought and prayer to your own decision as to whether or not your family will continue celebrating.

This is a topic I feel very passionately about, and I understand from experience that rejecting Halloween can have its difficulties- both because old habits are hard to break and because others may not understand.  Being seen as odd or over zealous is a real likelihood, but we should seek to please God and not man.

I have included two videos (parts of a larger whole) because I feel they are a very good account of the roots of Halloween.  I also felt it would be convenient for you to be able to watch them directly from here.  However, you will have no difficulty finding additional information on your own from varying sources  - some Christian and some not; but be guided by truth - not man's opinion.  If you, likewise, decide that this is no longer going to be part of your life as a believer, let me encourage you to share what you have learned with others.  We are called to be lights in the darkness, and we should especially take that call to heart concerning Halloween!

Other resources:

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