In the book of Exodus, we read how the Children of Israel were delivered by YHWH from their bondage in Egypt. We read about the lamb's blood that was applied to their door posts as a sign to the death angel to pass over that house. We know that our Lamb is Yeshua (Jesus), and that His blood likewise covers us and saves us from the curse of death, preserving us to be delivered by YHWH.
Years later, we read how Israel is being escorted into their Promised Land. They are crossing the Jordan river with YHWH's help, and finally settling into their home, their promise. As believers, we know that our promise, too, is waiting. We will one day cross into that promise and our true home.
We are aware that the story of God's children in the Old Testament is a shadow of the story of His children in Messiah.
What we do not seem to be aware of, however, is the mountain in the way.
You see... The children of Israel were not delivered directly out of Egypt into the Promised Land. There was a very long journey through which they were drawn closer to their God (YHWH) before receiving their promise.
The first stop on the journey (after being delivered through the Red Sea)? It was Mount Sinai. At Mount Sinai YHWH spoke directly to the people until they, not being able to stand in the fearfulness of the event, asked Moses to be their spokesman.
We are taught that the Torah (meaning "instruction" but misrepresented as "law") of YHWH was given at Mount Sinai, and indeed it was. But that was not all.
At Mount Sinai the blessings were pronounced; blessings that YHWH's people would receive as a result of obedience to His instructions.
At Mount Sinai, likewise, the curses were pronounced that they would receive through disobedience.
But most importantly, at Mount Sinai, one question was asked of them. Do you accept the terms of this covenant? Will you be My people and I your God?
They answered unanimously, "Yes!" They agreed to the terms - Torah. They agreed to the benefits and the consequences that YHWH laid before them. They CHOSE Him to be their God and they CHOSE to be His people.
Why have we as believers today chosen to ignore this part of the story? The mountain lies between Egypt and the Promised Land. The covenant lies between salvation and promise.
It seems we always make one of 2 fatal errors...
1. We appropriate the blood of the Lamb to ourselves (apply it to our doorposts) and claim our salvation believing from that moment that we are free and without "masters". We then walk a spiritual desert throughout our lives and wonder where this promise is.... Where are all the blessings we are supposed to have?
2. We find ourselves at Sinai and we, too, answer to YHWH, "You will be my God, and I will be yours," but yet trample the terms of the covenant we have just made. We are told (and it is a lie) that these Instructions (Torah) no longer apply, so we live how we see fit never once realizing we are heaping curses on ourselves because of the commitment we made with our words.
We would do well to consider a few points.
1. The covenant was NEVER without condition. Covenants never are. Have you ever known a marriage without conditions? No! When we marry we commit solely to one another. We can not do as we please, breaking our commitment, and then act as if we don't know what the problem is. Likewise the Word of YHWH has made His covenant clear, though we may chose to disregard its teachings. In doing so, we commit adultery against our God, and we act as though we are entitled to our own ways.
2. The covenant was NEVER changed. This is often taught today, but it is a lie. Scripture clearly says otherwise. When YHWH Himself mentions the "new covenant" He will make with men, He says He will put "My law on their hearts." (See Jer. 31:33) The covenant was renewed with the blood of Messiah, but not rewritten. All conditions still apply. Messiah's blood allows us to be delivered from the world (Egypt) and return to the God that we betrayed. That is the meaning of "redeem" - to bring back to the original owner. Messiah Himself warned us against teaching the law was not longer valid in Matthew 5:17-18. He also warns against lawlessness in the context of final judgment. (See Luke 13:27) Ask yourself this.... Where in scripture does YHWH give us the option the 2nd time? Where does He ask, "Do you accept these new terms to be my people?" and give the people the chance to respond?
3. Exacto knives are not for scripture! To accept the exodus story and the account of the Promised Land as pertaining to us then reject Mount Sinai is to simply accept only the parts of scripture we like.
4. Scripture itself speaks many times on the law of YHWH being perfect and wonderful and a blessing. Yet today, we teach it is a curse and we reject it outright. Could it be that the enemy has tricked us into rejecting the covenant itself or at the very least being cursed by it? Our teachings do not echo the teachings of scripture. It is time to re-think them.
We are saved by faith in Yeshua, His blood having redeemed us to YHWH. There is nothing we can do to earn that or repay it - it is a free gift.
But we are redeemed into the covenant! Do you think it is coincidence that scripture speaks of us as his bride? Does the King's bride act in any impetuous way she pleases? Or does she please her husband? Think of Esther!
I believe YHWH is bringing His people back to Mount Sinai. This is the time where we are given the terms and asked, "Will you be mine?" We will all have to answer that questions for ourselves, but we will live with the answer we give.
It is time we put erroneous teaching aside and got back to seeking our God and coming to know Him. We need to get back in His Word, back into prayer, and back into covenant. Only then will we be pleasing to Him and will we rightfully be able to claim the blessings of scripture.
Be blessed, my friend.
This blog is dedicated to exploring true biblical Christianity. We are especially interested in the Hebrew Roots of the faith, and we seek to understand the biblical truths and customs which have been lost in today's modern churches.
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