Sunday, May 14, 2017

Purging the Darkness

Here lately, the Father has been teaching me about His Kingdom, spiritual authority, and even spiritual warfare.  One excellent ministry that He has used in doing this is that of Dr. Michael Lake and his wife, Mary Lake.  You can find their teachings and resources at  They are amazing teachers, and I love the balance they have between Torah obedience and Holy Spirit leading.

But, as the past few weeks have gone on, I've found myself asking the same question many of us are probably asking, or at least have asked at some point in the past.  Why, if we have the Holy Spirit, don't we see the miracles that we should be seeing?

Yeshua's own words tell us that we will do greater works that He did, so why aren't we doing them?  Why aren't we healing at a word?  Why aren't we casting out demons?  Why aren't we causing the lame to walk and the blind to see???  Where is our power?

Moreover, why are we sick?  Why are so many of us (believers) depressed or oppressed?  Where is our freedom and deliverance?

The answers I have found in seeking out the Word of God in these matters have led me to an astoundingly simple and straight-forward understanding of the problem.  Join me in a quick study....

We understand that when Yeshua died, He reconciled us to the Father and brought us back into covenant with Him. We also understand that this makes us citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven!

"For all the promises of God in Him (Yeshua) are yea, and in Him Amen, unto the glory of God in us."
-2nd Corinthians 1:20

This verse tells us that if we are in Christ/Messiah, all the promises of God are ours!  ALL OF THEM!   That's a lot of promises.  Many of us have read books dedicated to listing those for us, and it would do us good to search the scriptures for them ourselves, so I won't try to list them here.  But stop a moment and consider what comes to mind easily.... blessed in the city, country, going out, coming in, storehouses, etc. from Deuteronomy 28, or maybe being the head and not the tail or heaven's windows being opened to us....

These are all YES and AMEN (which means "so be it") in Messiah!  They are already fulfilled in Him and rightfully ours - now, today.  But we aren't walking in them.... How do we get there?

Herein is our struggle...

We were born in this world's kingdom, the Kingdom of Darkness.  We have lived in it, learned its "truths", grown accustomed to its ways, and learned to conduct our lives in its ways/laws, etc.  It has become part of who we are.  It is in us!  In many areas, it's all we know!

So, we have entered into God's Kingdom, but we continue in many ways to live in darkness, in what we know well and are accustomed to.  But God's Kingdom is light!  It is the exact opposite of darkness!  With a new Kingdom comes a new economy and a new way of life!  Instead of sickness, we have divine health!  Instead of poverty, plenty!

Darkness (of which we were) can not enter the Kingdom of Heaven.  So, Yeshua washed us clean from sin and clothed us in His righteousness and granted us citizenship.  We may now enter!


"Know ye not, that whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?"
Romans 6:16

The Kingdom of Heaven is welcoming us in, but the kingdom of darkness in trying to hang on!  Two kings, each one staking their claim!  WHOM WE OBEY, IS OUR KING!  If we obey darkness (sin), we choose that kingdom over God's.  If we choose that kingdom, we choose all that comes with it - sickness, etc.

But if we choose to obey God, we choose His Kingdom and His ways/promises!          

Every day, through our words and actions, we choose!  Many of us live one foot in and one foot out, and therefore, we don't experience the full benefits of heaven - we miss out on the promises that are ALREADY ours.  They are waiting for us in God's Kingdom!

In order to walk more fully in His Kingdom, we must purge out the darkness that is in us and choose every day to walk in light.  That light will cleanse us and fill the places that were previously dark.  The more that happens, the more we experience our promises.  It happens by the grace and power of YHWH, but we must choose.  He never forces us or restricts our free will.

I'm going to leave it at that for now.... I am excited to share much more of what I am learning with you, but I think one step at a time is best for both of us!  Allow this truth to bless you as it did me, and I will write more soon!
 **Images courtesy of**

Where Religion Went Wrong - 7 - Denominationalism

“…I pray not for the world, but for them which thou hast given me; for they are thine…Father, keep through thine own name those whom thou hast given me, that they may be one, as we are… Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word; that they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hath sent me. And the glory which thou hast given me: for thou lovedst me before the foundation of the world…” 
John 17:9, 11, 20-24 (condensed) – Yeshua speaking 

The very next chapter, Chapter 18, begins with Messiah being betrayed. This was His prayer for us – that we would be unified in Him and the Father, that we would be “one”.

Simple internet inquiry will show that there are a multitude of denominations of Christianity within our country and many more globally. We don’t worship together, we don’t usually work or minister together, and many times we don’t even get along! Can we even pretend that we are “one”?

Furthermore, as of recent years between 75 and 80% of our nation’s population identified themselves as being Christians. Can we look around and say that these 75% of individuals are “one” in any way? Billions of people globally are Christians, yet do we know them or minister alongside them? Are we connected? Are we “one”?

Some say that, though there are many denominations, there is still only one Body of Christ. I would agree that there is, in fact, only one Body of Christ. I would disagree, however, that these denominations are all “parts” of that Body and constitute a complete whole. I would argue, instead, that the Body of Christ is fractured, divided, and definitely dis-unified, and that it is hidden somewhere within a fractured religious system.

I would also argue that it is time for that body to be consolidated – re-unified into the force it was intended to be – a force to be reckoned with – ministering to a desperate world, healing the sick, and preaching the Gospel of Messiah!

This will not be accomplished by promoting one “right” denomination above all others. Nor will it happen by creating yet another denomination to add to the list. It will only happen when we return to the leadership of our Messiah – His ways. We must rally under the banner and Truth of scripture, the Word of YHWH! We must learn to lay down disagreements and hold ourselves only to scripture’s authority and guidance. We must “swim upstream” to properly understand that guidance, and we must learn to work together and in harmony without division and in-fighting. We must become one!

Why? Read the above passage again.

Yeshua states that His people being unified in Him would allow the world to “believe that thou hast sent me.” Isn’t that our mission? Isn’t that the message we are hoping to portray???

 In our current state, we cannot communicate that message clearly or convincingly. In fact our critics doubt that our God is the One True God exactly because of our divisions! We are hindering our most important message! And the only way to remove that specific hindrance is to tear down our walls and reconnect, re-unify!

Yeshua Himself said,
 “Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand.” 
(Matthew 12:25) 

I do not believe the true Kingdom of YHWH is divided against itself. We, however, definitely are; and as long as we remain so, we cannot minister for His Kingdom here on earth. We pray for miracles, and we pray for souls, but in order to see our prayers answered, we must be unified in Him.

I believe a word of caution is in order. We are not seeking to only be unified with each other, but also to be unified IN Messiah and our FATHER. That is the only banner under which to rally – the True Word of YHWH. No attempts to come together under any other “authority,” “truth,” or “leadership” will be true unity as Messiah intended it. Such a movement could very easily be used by an organization, or even a single individual, to try and gain power or influence, and we should be extremely cautious of this. Not every call to unity is a call to unity in Messiah! Not everything that glitters is gold.

But as the true Body of Christ finds their way back to unity in Him, we will once again begin to see the true workings of Messiah’s church on earth! We can simply read the book of Acts to see the implications of that – thousands of souls saved at a time, the lame walking, and the dead rising! Personally, I believe we will see these things again, but first we must come together, turn back to His ways, and worship Him in Spirit and Truth.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Where Religion Went Wrong - 6 - False Authority of Another Kind

In addition to the false “authorites” that are sometimes held over scripture, we should also consider the false teachings and false structures of authority in some churches.

“But be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your Master, even Christ; and all ye are brethren. And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven. Neither be ye called masters: for one is your Master, even Christ. But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant. And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted.”
 –Matthew 23:8-12 

This passage, the words of Messiah Himself, tells us at least 3 things:

1. We are not to set up for ourselves titles/positions of stature.

2. We are all brethren with Messiah as our headship.

3. Leaders are to be servants of the people.

In many churches and denominations today, leaders are said to have “authority” or we are under their “headship”. In these churches, often times, this leadership exercises this authority over their congregations in unbiblical ways. It is as if there is a new structure – believer, church leadership, and then Messiah. In congregations where this is practiced, many times believers are shamed for not serving their pastors, prophets, etc. enough or for not giving them enough. Instead of leadership serving the people, the people come to serve the leadership. Those in certain positions become superstars and are often unavailable to the majority of their members.

Some are even told that anything the Father has to say to them will come through the church leaders. Many are not free to follow what the Father has placed in their hearts to do without leadership’s permission and regulation. Entire “governments” are set up, and people are the ones running the show. Often, the Bible and the Holy Spirit seem entirely absent.

But when the Bible tells us of leadership, it tells us of serving. Even Messiah Himself served us rather than asking us to serve Him.

“But Jesus called them to Himself and said, ‘You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and those who are great exercise authority over them. Yet it shall not be so among you; but whoever desires to become great among you, let him be your servant. And whoever desires to be first among you, let him be your slave – just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many’.” 
– Matthew 20:25-28 (NKJV) 

If Messiah served, and if no one can be greater than his master (John 13:16), how can we not serve one another? And how can those among us who are considered to be more mature spiritually not be better servants?

We should remember that when the Father promised us pastors, he promised they would be shepherds after His own heart (Jeremiah 3:15). I am not saying that pastors, deacons, etc. are not necessary in a group large enough to need that level of organization; but when the biblical example of servant leadership is replaced by the gentile system of “exercising authority”, we have a problem.

It is important for us, as believers, to know that the Bible places our spiritual responsibility on our own shoulders. We are told to seek YHWH, but never to seek Him through another “leader”. We are told to follow Messiah, not another “leader”. We are told to work out our own salvation “with fear and trembling” because the Father Himself works in us. (Philippians 2:12) In spite of some claims made by these leaders, our eternal souls are not in their hands! It is up to us to take spiritual responsibility for ourselves and not allow ourselves to be deceived away from the headship of our Messiah.

We will all have teachers and spiritual guidance from trusted mentors in this life. That is a necessary part of spiritual growth. However, we should beware of anyone who attempts to place themselves in an unbiblical position OVER us. Leaders are to serve. The best of them will come alongside you. The worst of them will step over you, between you and your Messiah and Father.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Where Religion Went Wrong - 5 - Scripture Under Other "Authorities"

“All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.”
 -2 Timohty 3:16-17 

Many of our denominations today have placed God’s Word underneath another authority. In some cases, this “authority” is a book, in some cases it is the church/denomination itself or its leadership. In all cases, it is WRONG.

Who could be an authority over God if, as the verse above states, it is God Himself who inspires scripture? And what more could we possibly need if it causes man to be “perfect” and “thoroughly furnished unto all good works?”

Both Old and New Testaments are full of commands and exhortations to cling to God’s Word and not let others move us away from it. Neither tells us to look toward a new revelation or that there’s “more to come” sometime down the road. Even our Messiah, of whom the Old Testament prophesied, clung to the Word of God and exhorted others to do the same. Do we not know His words?

 “He answered and said unto them, ‘Well hath Esaias prophesied of you hypocrites, as it is written, ‘This people honoureth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men’. For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men…full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition.’” – Mark 7:6-9 (condensed)

 Not only are these the words of Messiah, but He was quoting the prophet Isaiah! These are the Father’s words speaking in a former generation to a nation who had done the same thing. Yet today, though we can read these words of rebuke to both generations, in both testaments, are we not doing the same? Should our Father who does not change (Malachi 3:6) somehow judge us differently?

Notice in the words of Messiah above that when we trade His commandments for our doctrines, our worship is in vain! We simply can not lay aside scripture in favor of another standard and still worship YHWH – no matter what we may tell ourselves!

Some groups which practice this claim that scripture has been somehow defiled or ruined and now either correction or explanation is needed. Would it not make much more sense (and be much more honoring to our Father) to travel “upstream” and derive proper meaning from purer sources if we found confusion or inaccuracy in today’s versions? We can’t fix any such problem (whether real or imagined) by disregarding His admonitions against straying from His Word. It’s both illogical and ineffective.

And some groups believe that once a man reaches a certain rank or position in the organization, his word is superior to the teachings of scripture. But scripture warns us of these men – false prophets and teachers. We are told not to follow them…

 “If there arise among you a prophet…saying, ‘Let us go after other gods, which thou hast not known, and let us serve them’; thou shalt not hearken unto the words of that prophet…for the LORD your God proveth [tests] you, to know whether ye love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul. Ye shall walk after the LORD your God, and fear him, and keep his commandments, and obey his voice…and that prophet…shall be put to death; because he hath spoken to turn you away from the LORD your God…to thrust thee out of the way which the LORD thy God commanded thee to walk in…” –Deuteronomy 13:1-5 (condensed, brackets mine) 

We are not to follow anyone who speaks to turn us away from “the way which the LORD thy God commanded” us to walk! We are to follow His commandments, ways, and words. None other.

Notice also, that according to this passage, this is a test from YHWH! And I’m afraid it’s a test many of us today are failing.

“Thus saith the LORD, ‘The heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool: where is the house that ye build unto me? And where is the place of my rest? For all those things hath mine hand made, and all those things have been’, saith the LORD: ‘but to this man will I look, even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit, and trembleth at my word.’” – Isaiah 66:1-2 

If we want our Father’s face turned toward us, we must come again to tremble at His Word. No other word matters. No other word pleases Him.

“But the word of the Lord endureth forever. And this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you.” – 1 Peter 1:25

Sunday, April 30, 2017

Where Religion Went Wrong - 4 - Severed From Our Roots

 Scripture often uses agricultural examples to explain spiritual principles. In the days in which scripture was written, society itself was agricultural, making these explanations easily understood by everyone. Even today, though our society is decidedly less agricultural in its nature, we can easily relate to and understand what is being spoken.

“For...If the root be holy, so are the branches. And if some of the branches be broken off, and thou, being a wild olive tree, wert grafted in among them, and with them partakes of the root and fatness of the olive tree: boast not against the branches…Thou bearest not the root, but the root thee…Be not high minded, but fear: For if God spared not the natural branches, take heed lest he also spare not thee.”
 – Romans 11: 16-21 (shortened) 

I have condensed the above scriptures to make the point clearer. However, you should read Romans 11 in its entirety for complete context.

Scripture often speaks of Israel as an olive tree. Here, Paul is sticking with that same imagery. He is speaking to Gentiles, those who are out of covenant with and not worshipping the true God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He explains that some of Israel is (temporarily) cut off because of their unbelief in Messiah, and that those who are Gentiles can be grafted in precisely because of their belief in Messiah.

While this is a crucial point to understand and should be studied thoroughly, it is not my intention here to explore the how’s and why’s of this.

I simply want you to consider, if we are grafted into the olive tree of Israel, what root system are we drawing from? What are our roots? From where do we draw our nourishment and life?

It is clear that our roots are intended to be the same roots of Israel! Our sap should flow from the same source that has always fed Israel! We did not become an entirely new tree, but we were grafted in to an already existing and well-established one – Israel, the covenant people of YHWH!

Yeshua said the same…

 “I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman. Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring more fruit…Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me…for without me ye can do nothing…As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you: continue ye in my love. If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father’s commandments, and abide in his love.”
 – John 15:1-10 (shortened)

 Again, this passage has been condensed.

 We are warned, here, that we are fruitless and powerless apart from our Messiah. But, notice – Yeshua is the VINE, not the root. Our life flows THROUGH Him but not FROM Him. The Vine carries the sap from the root to the branch, which produces fruit. If we are not producing fruit, the flow is blocked somewhere, and we are cut away.

If He is the Vine, what is the root? Yeshua tells us that the Father is the husbandman (or gardener in today’s language). The gardener plants the seed that grows the root and plant. So, the root would be that which the Father has already planted and produced in this world…. Sound familiar???

At the end of the parable, Yeshua even spells it out for us – twice! He tells us that the Father loved Him, and He passed that love on to us. Then, He says we get that love by keeping the commandments, the same way He got it from the Father!

Nowhere in scripture is there ever a “new root”. Those who worshipped other gods were “uprooted” or their roots were said to be rotten. The only proper, healthy root has always been the proper worship of YHWH, and he chose Israel to carry that worship to the world. Our Messiah Himself came from that root and drew life from it. He passes that life onto us, grafting us back in to a tree we had either abandoned out of disobedience or altogether rejected from the beginning.

What He does not do is plant a new seed, a new root. He restores; He doesn’t re-create.

Modern-day Christianity no longer draws from the proper root. We have many high-minded theological reasons why the root no longer feeds us, but scripture does not bear those out. We have, in essence, planted a whole new tree, while borrowing roots from trees other than Israel.

We claim to be connected to our Vine, the Messiah; but if we are not drawing from His root, we are fruitless!

It’s time we began to examine our roots. Many of our teachings, customs, practices, and even holidays do not flow from Israel’s root but from the roots of other, pagan religions and deities. Simple internet research will prove this is true.

If we are to bear fruit and not be cut away by the Husbandman, we need to search out the root of all we do and reject all roots but His. Only when we are fed by His roots, will we bear His fruit and remain attached to His Vine.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Where Religion Went Wrong - 3 - A Downstream Understanding & Interpretation of Scripture!

 I am borrowing the term “downstream” as well as its concept and explanation from Brad Scott of Wild Branch Ministries. I believe this terminology clearly describes the problem I will be discussing. I am including this first, as I believe this to be foundational. If we, the Body of Messiah/Christ as a whole, would rectify ourselves in this one aspect, we would inevitably fall much more in-line with Him in all aspects. This, along with the issue I will discuss next, forms the root of our issues and failings today.

Think of a mountain stream. At the top of the mountain, it has a source from which the water flows. At the source, it is pure, and clean.

As the stream flows downward, it comes into contact with more and more sources of impurity. Maybe animals use it as fishing grounds or a watering hole. Eventually, maybe it runs through a town and collects waste and pollution. Regardless of how it occurs, the further the stream flows away from its source, the more changed it becomes. Someone tasting the water in the town would have a much different experience than if they had traveled up the mountain. The more towns the stream flows through, the more changed it will become.

Scripture is the Word of YHWH. He is its source. Originally, it was written in Hebrew as well as Aramaic and Greek. (Though, there is good reason to believe that the Greek New Testament was translated from Hebrew originals.) In its original, scripture is its purest – the closest to its Source.

Today, we read in English and many other languages into which scripture has been translated. What’s more is that many of these translations are translations of translations, not of the original language. As we translate, we lose some things. We lose nuance, plays on words, meter and rhyme, and even intended meaning. Anyone who speaks more than one language knows that language is not linear. Thoughts and statements do not translate from one language to another seamlessly. Many times translators are forced to do the best they can because they are unable to fully convey the original idea in the new language.

This is natural and to be expected. However, an issue arises when we only know and understand the 3rd and 4th generation translations. I may read my Bible in English because I do not understand Hebrew, but if I don’t take into account that I’m reading a translation, I can get myself into trouble.

Let’s say for example that I want clarity on something I am reading. I read that I am supposed to love my enemies. How do I do that, exactly? So, I look up the word love in the dictionary. I find, naturally, an English definition for an English word. What I don’t find is that Hebrew has several words with different nuances of meaning that all translate into “love” in English. They use terms that are more specific as to the types of love to which they are referring. In English, we have one word for all of it. We say both, “I love my mom,” and “I love pizza,” although we mean slightly different things.

Because I tried to find understanding in the translation and not in the original words of the author, I have missed something. I do not have proper understanding of what was written – only what I can make out of the downstream product.

Sometimes this may lead to partial understanding, but sometimes, this could cause us to be in error. It’s much like playing the children’s game “Telephone” - the one where a message is passed through a circle of people to see how it is received on the other end. Most times, the last person is saying something completely different than the original message. Now image if each person had to speak the message in a different language. How much more difficult would it be to get the original idea across?

Reading translations isn’t wrong. In fact, men and women of God lost their lives over this issue – translating and reading the Bible in English. We owe a great debt of gratitude for those who fought that battle because without them, we would likely have no knowledge or understanding of scripture at all!

However, we MUST treat the English Bible as it is – a translation. We must recognize our need to travel upstream, closer to the source, in order to derive pure unadulterated understanding. We have all the resources we need, and many of them are free online. We only need to recognize the situation and put in a little effort to overcome the translation challenges.

Ideally, though it would take time and effort, we should learn to speak the language of our Father – Hebrew. Then, we could read His Words as He spoke them and understand Him as He intended Himself to be understood. I feel this is self-evident and a reasonable act of devotion toward a God Who is so good to us. After all, Hebrew is also the language of our Bridegroom, is it not? It seems quite obvious that anyone engaged to be married to someone from another country than themselves would put forth an effort to understand that person’s language. After all, they will spend the rest of their lives together, relate with each other’s families, etc! Why do we, as a whole today, not make this effort toward our God and our King???

Drinking only from downstream sources has led us also into the trap of interpretation. The Bible clearly tells us that scripture is not open for interpretation! (See 2 Peter 1:20) Our effort should not be placed in interpreting what it means “to us,” but, rather, we should seek to understand the Father’s heart – what it means to Him. This is part of seeking Him!

How many divisions and disagreements among us today would cease to exist if we would seek to understand scripture through His eyes instead of our own?

In the next section, I will discuss another foundational problem that ties closely in with this one. Together, these two problems alone, when solved, would radically change Christianity as we know it and bring us much, much closer to our King…

Where Religion Went Wrong - 2 - A Note About Names

Throughout this book, you will see me use the names YHWH and Yeshua.

Some have expressed concern that those who use these names are intending to “preach another Jesus” or another gospel. This isn’t true.

 YHWH (or YHVH) is known as the Tetragrammaton. It is the Name of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. It consists of 4 Hebrew letters – י) Yod), ה) Hey), ו) Vav), ה) Hey). There is quite a bit of debate on its proper pronunciation. Some say Yah-Wey, some Ye-Ho-Vah, and some Ye-Hu-Ah. I am not an expert and cannot attest as to who is right. However, I’m sure YHWH will straighten it all out eventually. As for now, however, many of us (including myself) view using His Name as a simple way to honor Him. If you are concerned about proper pronunciation, you may choose to say Yah, which is the poetic form of His Name, and (so far as I know) isn’t debated. In fact, you already use it every time you say, “Hallelu-Yah!”

Likewise Yeshua is Jesus’ Hebrew name. We should know that His mother did not call Him by the Je-sus pronunciation of today. They were Jews living 2000 years ago. They spoke Hebrew, and His given Name was Yeshua. In fact, I believe the movie The Passion of the Christ probably shows us this best. It is recorded in Aramaic (a sister language to Hebrew), and that pronunciation (Yay-Shwa) of His Name is likely most accurate. However, it is usually pronounced Ye-Shoo-Ah today. Again, we use this Name as a way to Honor Him.

 Both of these Names are consistent with scripture in its original form before translation.

ישוע Yeshua

יהוה YHWH / YHVH 

Monday, April 24, 2017

Where Religion Went Wrong - 1: LETTER TO THE READER

      In writing this book, it is my desire to cause Christians everywhere to take a much-needed look in the mirror of scripture – especially as it pertains to the practicing of our faith.

     It is our mandate to preach the gospel to the entire world and to be the body of Messiah on this earth. The same ministry He did on earth is now in our hands, and if we are to do it well, we must operate in accordance with His Truth – the Word of YHWH (God). Only then will we be powerful and authoritative in this life.

     The further we stray from scripture, the more damage we do – not only to our own selves, but also in the world we are trying to reach. We cannot fulfill the great commission apart from the truth and direction of YHWH’s Word; and even unwitting, gradual, or seemingly-slight departure from the Word muddies the waters and undermines our intent.

      Some believe it is wrong – heresy, even – to question our religion or our church in this manner, as if this were somehow tantamount to questioning YHWH Himself or the veracity and infallibility of scripture. However, it is not YHWH or scripture which I intend to put on trial. Rather, I intend to cast the light of Truth (of scripture) onto our own works. Mankind has taken scripture and faith and attempted to “tame” those into religion. Our church, our denominations, our doctrines are often our own doing, and we will, in the end be held accountable to our Creator for those. It is wise that we should (while there is yet time) examine our own organizations, our own traditions, and ultimately our own hearts. Should we, indeed, find that any of those are contrary to or out-of-line with scripture, there is still room to repent and set it right. In doing so and returning to YHWH’s ways, we may again find ourselves powerful and effective in His redemptive mission.

     Such scrutiny is never easy. Inevitably, we will all find that we have missed one mark or another. It is then that we find ourselves in a position where we must choose. Will we rectify ourselves, our teachings, our traditions to please the Father? Or, will we stay the course as we have set it?

     What if we are willing to change and the rest of our group isn’t? What if our family isn’t? How many people are we willing to disappoint, if necessary, to please YHWH and do His work? What are we willing to lose for Him? For His cause?

     Many believers world-wide are currently facing such dilemmas. I believe that YHWH is calling us back to a pure faith, and we are made to choose whether we will follow or not.

     As you read this book, it will challenge you and everything you’ve ever known about your faith. Please understand, I am not the one shaking foundations. YHWH Himself is purifying His church for the end time. He has a purpose for us to fulfill, and we must be a set-apart people in order to do it. He is calling us to set ourselves apart from man’s ways and to set ourselves to His.

     As such, His Word is Truth. His Word will be the only standard which this book uses to distinguish true from false or right from wrong. Man’s opinion of that Truth or man’s own doctrines and organizations must be made subordinate. If any are found to be false in the light of scripture, then they should be disqualified in our hearts, our minds, and especially our churches.

     The Father wants His people to worship Him in Spirit AND Truth (John 4:23). Either one without the other is only half as effective as it is intended to be.

     This book is an attempt to spark the level of self-examination needed to ensure that we are that people. YHWH willing, that spark may eventually fan the flames of revival as His church on earth purifies herself and steps, unified and unstoppable, into her true calling.

     May YHWH bless you as you read this book, and may you have the courage to follow Him in all things.

Where Religion Went Wrong - Book

Hello, everyone!

     I've been out of sync here lately, and haven't written much.  I'm trying to get back on track, however, so I thought I'd start with this.

     Not too long ago, I wrote a book entitled, Where Religion Went Wrong.  It is available here in pdf format for free!  I will also be posting each section here on the blog for your enjoyment, and, hopefully, your edification!

     This book is a VERY short read.  The entire thing can be finished in one lunch break, or it can be broken into each section and finished in a week.  Either way, I hope this proves to be a clear and easily-understood presentation of the main, fundamental reasons why many of us have left our churches.  If you have had difficulty putting your thoughts into words or if you would like a short and easy resource to share with friends and loved ones, check this out!  It may be what you're looking for.

     At the link, the pdf can be downloaded and distributed free of charge, so long as it is shared in its entirety and without changes.  Feel free to share via print, email, Facebook, etc if you find that this book helps you.

     Many times, others haven't understood our position.  Maybe this will help!

     Enjoy! :)

Join Me At My New Address!!!

Good evening, all! In an effort to establish myself as a new author and promote my recently published book, The Little Seed, I have moved ...