This blog is dedicated to exploring true biblical Christianity. We are especially interested in the Hebrew Roots of the faith, and we seek to understand the biblical truths and customs which have been lost in today's modern churches.
Monday, April 24, 2017
Where Religion Went Wrong - 1: LETTER TO THE READER
In writing this book, it is my desire to cause Christians everywhere to take a much-needed look in the mirror of scripture – especially as it pertains to the practicing of our faith.
It is our mandate to preach the gospel to the entire world and to be the body of Messiah on this earth. The same ministry He did on earth is now in our hands, and if we are to do it well, we must operate in accordance with His Truth – the Word of YHWH (God). Only then will we be powerful and authoritative in this life.
The further we stray from scripture, the more damage we do – not only to our own selves, but also in the world we are trying to reach. We cannot fulfill the great commission apart from the truth and direction of YHWH’s Word; and even unwitting, gradual, or seemingly-slight departure from the Word muddies the waters and undermines our intent.
Some believe it is wrong – heresy, even – to question our religion or our church in this manner, as if this were somehow tantamount to questioning YHWH Himself or the veracity and infallibility of scripture. However, it is not YHWH or scripture which I intend to put on trial. Rather, I intend to cast the light of Truth (of scripture) onto our own works. Mankind has taken scripture and faith and attempted to “tame” those into religion. Our church, our denominations, our doctrines are often our own doing, and we will, in the end be held accountable to our Creator for those. It is wise that we should (while there is yet time) examine our own organizations, our own traditions, and ultimately our own hearts. Should we, indeed, find that any of those are contrary to or out-of-line with scripture, there is still room to repent and set it right. In doing so and returning to YHWH’s ways, we may again find ourselves powerful and effective in His redemptive mission.
Such scrutiny is never easy. Inevitably, we will all find that we have missed one mark or another. It is then that we find ourselves in a position where we must choose. Will we rectify ourselves, our teachings, our traditions to please the Father? Or, will we stay the course as we have set it?
What if we are willing to change and the rest of our group isn’t? What if our family isn’t? How many people are we willing to disappoint, if necessary, to please YHWH and do His work? What are we willing to lose for Him? For His cause?
Many believers world-wide are currently facing such dilemmas. I believe that YHWH is calling us back to a pure faith, and we are made to choose whether we will follow or not.
As you read this book, it will challenge you and everything you’ve ever known about your faith. Please understand, I am not the one shaking foundations. YHWH Himself is purifying His church for the end time. He has a purpose for us to fulfill, and we must be a set-apart people in order to do it. He is calling us to set ourselves apart from man’s ways and to set ourselves to His.
As such, His Word is Truth. His Word will be the only standard which this book uses to distinguish true from false or right from wrong. Man’s opinion of that Truth or man’s own doctrines and organizations must be made subordinate. If any are found to be false in the light of scripture, then they should be disqualified in our hearts, our minds, and especially our churches.
The Father wants His people to worship Him in Spirit AND Truth (John 4:23). Either one without the other is only half as effective as it is intended to be.
This book is an attempt to spark the level of self-examination needed to ensure that we are that people. YHWH willing, that spark may eventually fan the flames of revival as His church on earth purifies herself and steps, unified and unstoppable, into her true calling.
May YHWH bless you as you read this book, and may you have the courage to follow Him in all things.
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