Thursday, December 13, 2012

So, What's Up?...

My last post, "A Note To My Readers", may have left you wondering what I could possibly be going on about.  A lot has changed for me lately, and all because God sparked one seemingly minor change in my understanding of the Christian faith.  If you watched the message I included with my last post, you may have seen what I'm talking about.

For me, it started around the middle of October.  I've always been interested in foreign languages, anyway, and I'd heard some interesting things about Hebrew.  I decided to check it out, and I found Passion For Truth Ministries' You Tube page (which has a very good series on the Hebrew alphabet).  Through that "chance" finding, however, I was taken somewhere I did not expect.

The questions have been presented to me in the last year or two, mostly through my own church, but also in my own Bible study, as to why there seems to be such a discrepancy between what we see in the "church" today and what is described in the scriptures.  The apostles, continuing ministry after the death, resurrection, and ascension of Christ, were seeing and performing miracles - and on a regular basis.  Healings, resurrections, you name it; they saw the Holy Spirit move in ways that we seem to be begging for today.  Why do we pray and ASK for God to heal, when they simply commanded it to be done and it was? (See Acts, chapter 3)  Why don't we see people flocking to the gospel today as they did when it was preached by the apostles?  Jesus said that those who believe will heal the sick (Mark 16:17-18), so why aren't we?

I have come to realize that many of God's people are seeing these discrepancies and feeling dissatisfied, not with Christ, but with our seeming innability to do His work.  We feel as if there's something we are missing - something that, if we could grab a hold of it, would bring everything together for us.  Sincere believers, laymen and Pastors alike, are seeking God and trying to grow in our faith and understanding of God so that we, too, can do the work the apostles did.

So, by "chance" (of course, God's hand is in all - nothing is truly chance) I inadvertently stumbled into what has been coined, the Hebrew Roots Movement.  Having only been listening in for 2 months now, I do not know enough about the movement itself and all of its beliefs, etc. to feel comfortable recommending to to you outright.  However, I found that they address many of the issues that I mentioned.  Not only that, but their explanations are definitely worth a serious look.

Their premise is that we (Christians) have separated ourselves from the original faith.  In the time of Christ (and for a few hundred years after), the Christians were simply Jews (and, ultimately, Gentiles) who believed that Christ was the Messiah - we were a sect of Judaism.  It wasn't until after this several-hundred year period that we ended up being a separate entity.  Fast forward a couple of thousand years, and now, we're attempting to find power in a religion that bears little resemblance to the teachings of Christ and the examples of His disciples.  We are following a Jewish Rabbi and Messiah that we don't understand by reading His Words (translated several times over, and not always accurately) from a Western world view with little to no understanding of the background and foundation of our faith.  The Hebrew Roots Movement is an attempt to go back to the first-century understanding and practice of the faith in order to reclaim the Power of God the first century believers experienced.

I have found the teachings that I've heard thus far to be insightful, sensible, and sincere.  Only the Word of God can validate whether or not they are true, and I will leave you to determine that for yourself, if you are inclined to do so. 

However, the changes in my life that are resulting from this minor change in my faith have not been minor, and they've not always been well-received by others.  There are concerns that I am leaving Christianity, and that some of the changes I'm making amount to a rejection of my family and the Christian church.  As I said, this "series" in my blog is meant to be basically a journaling of my own journey (hoping to find others of you who are interested in or experiencing the same things), so I will be addressing these objections in future posts.  This one, seems to me, to be quite long enough!  I am not trying to sell you on the teachings of this movement, but I am blogging through this so as to create a forum where these things can be debated, discussed, and shared.  Today, however, I'll leave you with links to 2 YouTube accounts that I have found helpful.  The first is Passion for Truth Ministries, as mentioned before.  The second is Michael Rood.  His videos are much shorter, in case you're in a time crunch (which you very well could be if you've read this whole thing! ;) )

*Image courtesy of

Monday, December 10, 2012

A Note to My Readers...

     It has been now two months since I've written.  Although, I had known that it had been a little while, I had not realized until now that it had been so long.  The date of my last post was October 11.  That is significant to me because it was very soon after that that God began to deal with me very heavily concerning my own faith - specifically the details and origins of what I believe.
     Because of this, the last two months have been quite "heavy" for me.  I've been so consumed with everything He's been showing me that I have done little else than try to soak it all in!  It's been great, but it's been trying as well.  Things for me are changing greatly, and there has been (and will continue to be) a ripple effect through every aspect of my life - and faith.  This has been at times both positive and negative, but is, I know, the will of God.
    As has been the intent of this blog all along, I wish to share everything I'm learning and everything I'm experiencing with you.  Much of it, I believe, will challenge you in your own faith, and I hope that yours will grow as mine has!  Most of all, however, I hope to encourage anyone of you who may be wrestling with the same challenges that I am.  I hope that we can each find companionship in the other, making the experience both more fruitful and enjoyable!
    For this reason, I will be sharing my story, bit-by-bit as it happens, through this blog, in addition to the other articles and posts.  Just from these two months alone, I already know these "bits" will be, at times, difficult and painful, and at other times exciting.  I'm writing this to invite you to join in!  I know there are many out "there" who are dealing with the same questions and issues, and I welcome your input.  Please feel free to comment along the way, share your own stories, or ask any questions.  This really is intended to be a community of believers!
    As always, though, the ideas and resources that I post are for your CONSIDERATION!  I am a firm believer in keeping your wits about you (so to speak) and not just passively accepting what others say - especially when it comes to God!  Please do not follow ANYONE blindly!  Take everything to God in prayer, test everything by His Word, and walk WITH HIM in your faith.  I would not be sharing anything that I did not personally believe was true, edifying, and biblically sound, but I am human!  We must all wak with God for ourselves because we will all be judged for ourselves in the end. 
     That having been said, I will begin shortly.  My next post will bring you up to speed and make all of this make much more sense to you.  I will, however, leave you with a powerful message from a ministry that God has used to set this whole thing on fire for me - Passion for Truth Ministries.  These truths opened my eyes to so much, and I hope you find as much in them as I did!
     God bless you, and I'll see you again soon!


Thursday, October 11, 2012


Most of us (including myself) have celebrated Halloween at one time or another.  Whether we just went trick-or-treating, went to parties, played pranks, or got into more troublesome activities, we likely just saw it as innocent fun.  Even today, many sincere believers take part in traditional Halloween activities unaware of what it is that they are truly celebrating.

The seemingly innocent activities of Halloween commemorate horrific and ungodly activities that we would never take part in or even condone from a distance.  During the last several years of my Christian walk, the Lord has brought to my attention the truth behind these things, and I have come to the conclusion that I can not in good conscience continue to take part.

As your sister in Christ, let me challenge you to stop and take a good look at what is going on around you and what you are possibly participating in.  Simply research the background of Halloween, and (although you will find variations in minor details) you will see the true nature of this evening.  I encourage you to give serious thought and prayer to your own decision as to whether or not your family will continue celebrating.

This is a topic I feel very passionately about, and I understand from experience that rejecting Halloween can have its difficulties- both because old habits are hard to break and because others may not understand.  Being seen as odd or over zealous is a real likelihood, but we should seek to please God and not man.

I have included two videos (parts of a larger whole) because I feel they are a very good account of the roots of Halloween.  I also felt it would be convenient for you to be able to watch them directly from here.  However, you will have no difficulty finding additional information on your own from varying sources  - some Christian and some not; but be guided by truth - not man's opinion.  If you, likewise, decide that this is no longer going to be part of your life as a believer, let me encourage you to share what you have learned with others.  We are called to be lights in the darkness, and we should especially take that call to heart concerning Halloween!

Other resources:

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

"My Child"

   This poem was inspired more than 4 years ago, and I've not really published it since that time.  It has brought me comfort and encouragement, and I hope it does the same for you.  God loves us and is faithful.  Even when we don't understand, He has a purpose in every tiny detail! :)  Enjoy!

C.R. Madewell

“My God, I try so very hard,”
I cry in prayer and pain,
“To do Your will, to make it work,
To magnify Your Name.
I know You’ve called me higher,
And I do the best I can
I do everything I know to do
To live up to Your plan.
But, Lord, I am so tired,
And I’ve scarcely just begun.
You’ve called me to so very  much,
How can I get it done?”

“My child, you are so precious,”
My Father sings to me
“You’re beautiful –
Exactly what I’ve created you to be.
But, darling, you don’t understand,
You’re not strong enough alone.
With all your might
(And none of Mine)
You’ll never get it done.
You’re weak by my intention,
Your insufficiency is blessed,
It’s now, when you’ve done all you can
My strength is at its best.
So, dry your eyes,
And don’t lose heart,
Be steady in the race.
By works you’ll never win the prize,
But only by My Grace.”

“My God, it seems that laughter
Is all I ever hear.
With constant lies and criticism
Ringing in my ears.
So many claimed to love me,
But quickly turned away.
Because I’ve taken up my cross,
I stand alone today.
Tell me what to say to them
To turn it all around,
How do I make them realize
The truth that I have found?”

“My child, the love I’ve given you
Is not for you alone.
So many blindly seek it –
They’ll never find it on their own.
You’re my light in shadowed places,
Set aglow by My own spark,
You’re my beacon to the hearts of men,
And you’re brighter in the dark.
Some of them won’t understand,
Some will never see.
Just remember when they scoff at you,
That they first hated Me.
You don’t need man’s approval,
Don’t seek worldly accolade,
True peace and joy are given you
By the ransom that I paid.”

“Will I ever make it?
Will I ever see the end?
So many storms and trials,
Seems my heart will never mend.
Everything that seemed so clear
Not so very long ago,
Seems now more like mud and muck
Than the truth I used to know.
I’m smothered by this darkness,
Suffocated by this fear,
I can’t feel Your presence,
Doesn’t seem like You still care.
What did I do to warrant this?
Where did I go so wrong?
Please, Jesus, come and be with me,
What’s taking You so long?”

“My child, ye of little faith,
Don’t you understand?
Have you forgotten that the storms of life
Are still at my command?
Death is but a shadow,
This valley merely part of life,
I brought you here to better you,
And I’ve never left your side.
Refining fire always burns,
But one day you will see,
The perfect care I take
To make the treasure that you’ll be.”

“My God, it’s all so beautiful!
Like I never dreamed!
The streets of gold, the Tree of Life,
This ever-flowing stream!
I think of how You brought me here –
The perfect life that You laid down –
I humbly bow before You now,
And offer you my crown.
Such perfect peace and abundant joy
On earth I never knew,
But now it’s mine forevermore,
And all because of You!”

“Well done, My child,
And welcome home,
Now, let Me dry those tears.
Come, enjoy the inheritance
You’ve hoped for all these years.
Your legacy will carry on,
Your descendants will be blessed.
You’ve fought the fight
And overcome,
Now enter in
And rest!”

Monday, August 13, 2012

Do You Believe the Lies???

Over the last 3-4 years of my Christian walk, God has really dealt with me on TRUE vs. false Christianity.  As such, I have developed a few passions - a few subjects that are absolutely near and dear to my heart.  You have them, too, I'm sure.  You know, the ones that make you want to shake someone until they hear the truth!

One of these for me is that Christians should not be ignorant.  We should not "check our brains" at the church door or be intimidated by any of the world's philosophies or arguments.  Remember - the truth is on our side!

At the beginning of this development in my faith, God spoke to me through many authors, speakers, etc.  One of the first (and one of my personal favorites) was Erwin Lutzer.  I have read several of his books, and I've found every one of them to be helpful and enlightening!  I would highly recommend him to you.

One of the first books of his I read was "10 Lies About God (And The Truth That Shatters Deception)".  It is available on video form, and I found it on YouTube!  Sometimes, the video can be a better option if you're short on time, or if you're more of an auditory learner (plus, it rewinds!).

I hope you will take the time to watch these videos (there are 12, altogether 1 1/2 hours or so) or read the book.  We should ALL be able to answer these common questions/objections/challenges to our faith.  I strongly believe that we should be able to stand our ground in the face of any challenge - both for the benefit of our own strength and the benefit of those around us, both lost and saved.  Enjoy!  And don't forget to post a comment to let me know what you think!

Friday, July 27, 2012


(Photo courtesy of
     We often hear that we are to be “filled” with the Holy Spirit – and we are!  The Holy Spirit is our source of life and power, and without Him, we cannot minister effectively to anyone.  But, we cannot obey a command we do not understand.  What exactly does it mean to be filled with the Holy Spirit, and how do we get there from here?

     First, let’s understand what it is to be filled.  Imagine for a moment a cup full of water.  The cup’s sides are solid, the bottom is intact, and the water is contained.  We could pass this cup around the room indefinitely and nothing is spilled – no one gets wet!  For this reason, we are generally told to be “filled to overflowing” in order for the water (Spirit) to be spilled onto others.  We ask God to fill us and pour more and more Spirit into us until we reach this overflow. Fill us and spill us!  For the most part, we are taking a passive stance and asking God to move.  But is this what scripture teaches???

     As we read what the New Testament teaches about the Holy Spirit, we will begin to see that He abides – or lives – within us!  He is in us to stay!  He does not come and go, we do not give Him away to others, and we don’t get “more” of Him.  We are told to learn from Him, walk with (in) Him, and receive from Him, but never to get more of Him or to empty Him from ourselves.  He is a PERSON, so unlike the water in the example, He is either there or He isn’t.  Rest assured that if you are truly Christ’s, He’s there.

     So, we have some understanding of what it means to walk with Him, but what about being filled with him???  How does that work? 

     The original Greek word translated “filled” translates also (when used figuratively, as it is in this case) to "permeated" or "saturated".  Do you see the difference?  A cup is not permeated with water.  Rather than picturing a filled cup, let’s consider a filled sponge…

     If a sponge is placed in water, it becomes saturated!  Whether dripping wet or not, any water in a sponge affects those it touches.   If you pass around a wet sponge, everyone gets wet!  When we are “filled” with the Holy Spirit, we are likewise saturated, and others cannot help but be affected in some way by the Holy Spirit!!!  Only when the sponge dries out (or we allow ourselves to dry out spiritually) are others unaffected.

     So, here it is….. the Holy Spirit is within us – always!  Think of Him as a pool of water and yourself as the sponge.  Spend time in (with) Him!  (Prayer, worship, study of scripture are all examples of ways in which we do this.)  Soak in Him – soak Him up!  When you do, you will BY DESIGN minister the Spirit to those around you!  Just remember, time away from Him causes us to begin to dry, and, as we do, we are less and less effective until, ultimately, we are useless.  Soaking ourselves in Him (through relationship) must be a discipline in our lives if we are to do His work.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Great Freebie!

A Kingdom Primer     I recently read this FREE e-book and thought I would share it with you.  It was a short read, but it made some very good points concerning the true meaning of "The Kingdom of God".  I would certainly recommend it to you, and if you're interested, you can pick it up here:  If you do read it, leave a comment and tell us what you think!  Enjoy!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Video Link: God of Wonders

In my previous post "Divine Spark", I mentioned a documentary titled "God of Wonders."  For anyone interested in seeing it, here it is on YouTube!  Enjoy! :)

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Divine Spark!

I just heard on TV an actor giving a statistic in support of evolution.  Namely, this was that apes were 98.6% the same (genetically speaking) as humans, leaving a mere difference of 1.4%.

I'm not sure if this statistic is accurate, but I'm willing to accept it for the sake of this argument.

However, let's look at how that 1.4% plays out in actuality:

Humans have:
1:  Formed governments, nations, alliances, etc., organizing themselves, governing themselves, and dominating the earth.
2:  Created, invented, and advanced in technology, making formerly impossible tasks possible and improving our quality of life in various ways.
3:  Taken up causes and championed efforts to relieve the sick, poor, oppressed, abused, forgotten, and unfortunate of the earth.
4:  And many other behaviors and abilities that, in real life, separate us from primates by immeasurable distances.  It is not that other creatures have merely been less successful at these pursuits, but that they have not attempted them at all!  There is no significant evidence of these achievements elsewhere.

The Bible says that we are created in the image of God.  I've heard this referred to as the "divine spark."  It's certain to say that 1.4% of our genetic code creates, somehow, a vast difference between us and the apes.  It's amazing to think of how much information must be coded into every 1% of DNA!  First to think that every single aspect of your nature (from hair color to the length and shape of your fingers) is all coded into the DNA itself.  But, then also to think that 1.4% makes such a difference!

Any rational, objective person would freely admit that such an information system, which goes far beyond our most advanced computer abilities, would absolutely require a designer/creator - not only for the creation of the code system itself, but also for the upkeep of such a system (for it could not operate, reproduce, or make repairs  by sheer chance).  (See video: "God of Wonders")

But, also, look at the differences themselves!  Using only the list above (although we could list many others), we dominate, organize, cooperate, create, improve, reach out, relieve, etc.  Are these not god-like in nature?  Are we not, in fact, created in His image and, therefore, separate from all other creatures on earth?  Does He not organize and govern us?  Did He not give us the command and responsibility to subdue the earth?  Is He not the ultimate creator - creating us and many other unspeakably wonderful things in this world?  Has he not championed our cause in sending His Son, Jesus, to die for us and provide for us a way to escape death and Hell?  Is He not yet further our champion in providing our needs, hearing our prayers, etc.? 

All things and creatures created reflect the creativity and power of God.  However, none but His masterpiece - the human race - reflect His image!  If in fact, we are only 1.4% genetically separated from apes or any other creature, we should take careful note.  God, could, in fact, be showing us what we are without Him!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Living It!

       On Facebook, I follow a page called Hebrew for Christians.  This was one of their most recent status updates, and I absolutely had to share it with you!  Truly living the faith we claim is a heart cry of mine, and this just spoke volumes to me.  I've included two links after the quote.  The first is to their Facebook page, the second is to their website.  I've only recently found this site (as I have only recently become interested in the Hebrew language), but I have rather enjoyed it.  Hope you do as well!

"Only the truth that is lived matters. Students of the great sages would go to their master's home to see how he ate his soup, how he drank wine, how he treated his wife, how patient he was with his children, etc. God does not want "lip service" or your acknowledgment of the theology that others have worked to understand. "Truth is not something you can appropriate easily and quickly. You certainly... cannot sleep or dream yourself into the truth. No, you must be tried, do battle, and suffer if you are to acquire truth for yourself. It is a sheer illusion to think that in relation to truth there is an abridgment, a short cut that dispenses with the necessity of struggling for it. With respect to acquiring truth to live by, every generation and every individual essentially begin from the beginning." - SK"

Friday, June 1, 2012

Book Review - Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy

 Personally, one of the best things I’ve found to deepen my own faith (apart, of course, from scripture itself) is to read and learn about past heroes of Christianity.  I’ve found that I come away inspired to a deeper commitment to God, and in the case of this Dietrich Bonhoeffer biography, I come away also with an intriguing look at the questions and theologies that he wrestled with.  Reading Bonhoeffer’s own material has challenged me to think more deeply and take serious consideration of many of the theological/ethical questions he addresses.  It’s amazing to me how relevant these questions are today, even after things in our world seemed to have changed so much.

    In, Bonhoeffer:  Pastor, Prophet, Martyr, Spy, Eric Metaxas presents an exhaustive account of the life and person of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a German theologian and pastor during the time of Hitler.  The level of detail given about Bonhoeffer’s life is so extraordinary that it leaves the reader feeling as if they actually know and understand him.  What I enjoyed even more, though, was the ease with which this quite lengthy biography read. The language is conversational, and I never felt that making my way through the 500-600 page book was tedious.  In fact, I couldn’t put it down!

    If you’re looking for a faith-building book to read, let me suggest this one!  It will not only provide a good biographical story, but leave you considering more deeply questions of pacifism, civil disobedience, spiritual responsibility, and following God at all costs.  I got so much out of it that I’m willing to purchase it again, just to have it on my Nook!

Monday, May 28, 2012


     Welcome to A Bride Bejeweled - a faith-based blog for believers wanting to delve deeper into their faith!

     This is my first experience blogging, so there are bound to be many changes and adjustments as time goes on.  My goal, however, is to provide thought-provoking articles, Christian book/film reviews, personal experiences, and other avenues through which my readers may be inspired to draw a little closer to God.

     I hope that you will take advantage of the resources I offer and be patient with me as I begin to set this up for the first time.  Please leave comments, questions, or any other notes for me as I would love to get to know you and hear your input on my blog!

    God bless you and check back soon for more content!

Join Me At My New Address!!!

Good evening, all! In an effort to establish myself as a new author and promote my recently published book, The Little Seed, I have moved ...