Thursday, December 26, 2013

The Returning Bride!

"They say, if a man put away his wife, and she go from him, and become another man's, shall he return unto her again?  shall not that land be greatly polluted?  but thou has played the harlot with many lovers; yet return again to me, saith the LORD (יהוה).  
-Jeremiah 3:1

My journey into the Hebrew Roots movement started with one simple revelation - who we really are! From there, many other truths have been shown to me that I was completely oblivious to previously, even though I've spent my entire adult life as a faithful, devout Christian.  When we understand who we really are, the scriptures begin to make more sense to us, and we begin to understand the role that we play in God's story.  We also gain a better understanding of how He views us and what He expects from us; and, in the end, we are more connected to and in tune with Him!

So, believer, do you know who you really are???  Many do not, and the answer will surprise you! I'll provide a short explanation here, but for more detail, I highly recommend you watch the video posted at the end of this article!

As you know, Jacob wrestled with God and received the name Israel.  Israel (Jacob) had 12 sons.  Keep this in mind, this is very important!!!  

Those 12 sons had children and became 12 tribes known also as Israel.  Hence the term "Children of Israel".  ALL of these people, Israel, were God's covenant people.

Israel eventually began to be ruled by kings, and was at one point in their history separated into 2 kingdoms - 10 tribes to the north and 2 to the south.  The 10 northern tribes became known as Israel.  (So you begin to see how "Israel" can now mean a few different things!)  The 2 southern tribes became known as Judah.  (Judah being the origin of the term "Jew".)  When you read prophets like Jeremiah and Ezekiel, you'll hear God address Israel and Judah separately.  There are different prophecies given to each!

Both kingdoms were eventually given into captivity for disobedience to God - first Israel and then Judah.  However, only 1 kingdom ever came back out of captivity.  That was Judah, and that is why the Jewish people survive to this day.  It is true that the Jewish people are God's covenant people, but they are not the ONLY covenant people!  They are only 2 of the 12 tribes, and there are 10 more (Israel) which never came out of captivity.  These 10 tribes were simply assimilated into the nations.  In other words, as time went on, they melted into the nations where they lived and lost their distinction as a separate people.

God's covenant was given with Israel (Jacob) and promised as well to Israel (the 12 tribes).  ALL 12 tribes!!!  Prophecies of the last days speak of Israel (the 10 tribes) coming back out of the nations and, once again, entering into covenant with their God!!!  They will come from all over, as for centuries they have simply blended in with many nations.  But they will be "woken up" by God Himself as to their true identity, and they will reject the lies and traditions passed down by their fathers in favor of the truths and commandments of God in scripture!!!

"O LORD, my strength, and my fortress, and my refuge in the day of affliction, the Gentiles shall come unto thee from the ends of the earth and shall say, 'Surely our fathers have inherited lies, vanity, and things wherein there is no profit."
-Jeremiah 16:19

Keep in mind that a Gentile is simply one who is out of covenant!  Israel (10 tribes) was divorced by God for her harlotries!!!  They were at that point out of covenant!     

Today, we see Israel waking up!!  Many are coming to recognize modern Christianity as being packed full of lies, which are "glossed over" with biblical justifications.  We are beginning to understand what God wants from us - His people!!!  We are returning to Torah and obedience to God's ways.  We are gaining a greater and more accurate understanding of scripture, and the teachings of Jesus.  Jesus, our Messiah, is a JEW.  His death offered a chance for all who are out of covenant (the gentiles) to be reconciled to God!  This is the definition of redemption!  

When we look in scripture we see and acknowledge that we have played the harlot with God! We are waking up and returning to Him as He has graciously made a way for us to do so!  We are the returning bride!!!

For this reason, I have changed the name of this blog.  When I began writing here, I was a sincere Christian wishing to share my faith and have fellowship and dialogue with other believers.  All of that is still the case!  However, I have come to view my Christian faith from a much different perspective, known commonly as Hebrew Roots.  There are many others who are also gaining this new perspective!  I believe we are the bride, and I am excited to be returning to my groom!  I hope you and many others will join in and that we can have a community here to share our thoughts and experiences!

This is a great place to start! Shalom!

Monday, November 18, 2013

A Quick Note on Sabbath....

I have to admit that only a year or so ago, I would have said that keeping a Sunday sabbath was just as acceptable as keeping the original seventh day Sabbath.  I was under the impression (as many are) that giving one day a week to God was all that was really being commanded, and since Jesus (supposedly) rose on a Sunday, God was honored either way.  After all, I live in the Bible belt, and even though I've cruised through a few different denominations in my day, they all worshiped on Sunday, and no one ever questioned it.

I find this amazing, now.  If you've ever read an old diary or in some way took a good hard look at yourself "back then", you know what I'm talking about.  It's eerie, in a way, to see such glaring error in myself - and error that I clung to so passionately!

In a moment of Bible reading today, I came across these verses:

"And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, speak thou also unto the children of Israel, saying, Verily my sabbaths ye shall keep; for it is a sign between me and you throughout your generations; that ye may know that I am the LORD that doth sanctify you. Ye shall keep the sabbath therefore; for it is holy unto you; every one that defieth it shall surely be put to death:  for whosoever doeth any work therein, that soul shall be cut off from among his people.  Six days may work be done but in the seventh is the sabbath of rest, holy to the LORD:  whosoever doeth any work in the sabbath day, he shall surely be put to death.  Wherefore the children of Israel shall keep the sabbath to observe the sabbath throughout their generations, for a perpetual covenant.  It is a sign between me and the children of Israel forever; for in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day he rested, and was refreshed." - Exodus 31:12-17

In these 6 verses alone (not to mention in the rest of scripture) God answers all of our arguments!!! Are we so dense and rebellious as to completely ignore HIS view on the matter????  Here are my notes:

1.  "children of Israel" - This phrase does not mean "the Jews"!!!  Jew is a term derived from Judah (only one son of Israel), and the Jewish people are basically the tribes of Judah and Benjamin (only 2 sons).  ISRAEL HAD 12 SONS!  The other 10 tribes are scattered throughout the nations today!  (For complete information, click here.)  Whether we are genetically part of Israel or not, who knows, but we are grafted in by Yeshua!!! Either way, we are in this family.  We are a part of the children of Israel.  After all, do we not claim the promises that YHVH made to Israel???  YHVH is still speaking to us today! And how many times in these verses does He use this phrase???

2.  "my sabbaths" - Here there are 2 things to notice.  Firstly, He calls them "my" sabbaths.  There could be other sabbaths, which belong to someone else or some other god.  Secondly, this is plural!  Do yourself a favor and research the biblical sabbaths.  

3.  "throughout your generations" - It's pretty obvious that we are still "in" our generations.  I don't know why we ignore this phrase in scripture.  This is a way of saying forever!!!  YHVH knew what Yeshua would do and what the New Covenant would be.  He never operated from a position of ignorance - He is all-knowing!  If He intended for us to drop this after Yeshua, why would He command it forever???  And by the way, Yeshua (Jesus) kept the Sabbath.  That fact is recorded in the gospels.  If we want to be Christ-like, then why wouldn't we?

4.  "the seventh" - Here it is clearly spoken which day is His sabbath (and not someone else's).  The seventh day is Saturday!  Sunday sabbath was instituted by man (Catholic church).  The church clearly documents and acknowledges this fact. (Here.)  Are we commanded to keep a man's sabbath or YHVH's???  Are we obedient if we just go with the norm or with what we are used to???  Further down in these verses, it is explained that the seventh day was YHVH's rest from creation.  We keep this day as a memorial of that day!

5. "perpetual covenant" - The Bible is full of covenants!  This one is forever!  It was not done away with at Calvary.

6. "forever" - Forever means forever.

Please, please, if you are a believer, please search this out in scripture!  We do not honor our God and King either by breaking His commandments or by remaining obstinately in ignorance of them.  He calls us higher, closer to a more intimate and honored position with Him!  We claim spiritual authority and privilege, but those are bestowed upon us by YHVH Himself!  How can we ask for such treasures with hearts that are disinclined to honor and worship and disinterested in truth???

Share this article, this is a serious matter of our faith!  Every believer needs to wrestle with YHVH on such issues and gain an understanding and appreciation of His Truth for themselves!

Be blessed!
Image courtesy of 

Friday, September 6, 2013

We Have A Winner!

Congratulation to Colleen S. of TN.  She has won a copy of "Blood on the Doorposts" by Bill Schnoebelen!

There are more giveaways to come, so don't forget to check back often!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Moed: Yom Teruah (Rosh Hashanah)!

     In just a couple of days, we will be celebrating Yom Teruah and beginning the Days of Awe!  If you, like me, are new to these observances, you may enjoy this video as much as I have!  This is a great, basic presentation relevant to all - but especially Christ's people!!!  Don't miss this!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

"Halloween" giveaway!

   What better way to spend this time of year than growing in our understanding of spiritual things?  Normally, I am leery of books and other materials claiming to teach spiritual warfare.  It's very difficult to know whether or not the teacher actually knows what he/she is talking about or if they are parroting what they've been taught to believe!

    Bill Schnoebelen, however, has my attention!  His testimony is too much for me to go into here, but he has spent years of his life involved in major occult groups and practices.  Now, though, he is a follower of Yeshua, and (if I'm not mistaken) he is Torah observant!  Either way, though, he definitely is educated - both formally and experientially.

    If you're interested, you can easily find many of Mr. Schnoebelen's teachings on YouTube.  I especially recommend his testimony!  This is a long series, but you  may start here:

 Once you pass the introduction to the video, Mr. Schnoebelen spends a few moments giving a quick rundown of his history.  You may want to check that out, even if you can't watch the entire video!

   In the spirit of educating ourselves spiritually, A Bride Bejeweled will be giving away "Blood on the Doorposts (An Advanced Course in Spiritual Warfare) written by Bill Schnoebelen in 1994.  (Click here for Amazon link and preview.)  As with our last book giveaway, the winner is free to choose either a hard copy or e-book version of the book!  (You must be willing to provide either a mailing address or e-mail address (in case of an e-book) for the delivery of your prize.)

    You can enter in multiple ways, and some entries can be repeated daily!  Check out our rafflecopter giveaway widget on the side of the page to enter!

     Be blessed!

Monday, August 26, 2013

Here We Go Again....

    I'm sure you've noticed (as every year), it's only August, but the stores are stocking their shelves with Halloween (and even Christmas!) items.  It seems to me like they start earlier each year!  Even though, in my mind, 2+ months away is too early to start worrying about it, if it's gearing up, then we should discuss it.

    If you were a reader of my blog this time last year, then you already read my first post on Halloween.  If not, please do so.  If you're unfamiliar with the origins and symbolism associated with our traditions, please look into it!  It's vital that, as believers, we should be EDUCATED about our faith and our traditions!  Because Halloween is an annual tradition for many of us, we should know what it means and why.

     Halloween, as you will quickly see, is a pet-peeve of mine.  It hasn't always been, though.  I celebrated as a child and went trick-or-treating like all the others.  As an adult though, after deciding to serve YHVH (God) with my life, I've made a much different choice.  I will share this choice with you here, in hopes that you, too, will perhaps consider your personal choice again in the light of this information.

     It takes absolutely ZERO insight, discernment, or enlightenment of any kind to see Halloween's "true colors".  It amazes me, now, how ugly the whole thing is!  Spider webs, gory skeletons, goblins, witches, etc. - we decorate our businesses and homes with blood, guts, and gore!  It's creepy!  Yet, this time of year (again coming earlier and getting longer), it can hardly be escaped!  Stores proudly showcase macabre merchandise that they would never have under any other circumstances.  Fashions and behaviors that are normally viewed as odd, fringe, even disturbing are now celebrated and accepted by all!  It's easy to understand why many enjoy this holiday and either ignore or enjoy the darkness of it.  What isn't so easy to understand, though, is why most Christians are among them!

     Please, if you call yourself a Christian, look into this!  We are celebrating a high holiday of Satanism/Paganism in which horrible acts are commited, and the whole time we're encouraging and instructing our children to take part!

     If you've read my "Cancelling Christmas" article, then you understand the biblical reasons that many believers are turning away from many of our traditional holidays.  To state it quickly, in Deuteronomy 11-12, YHVH gives instructions to the Israelites (His people) on how to worship.  He explicitly tells them NOT to repackage pagan practices!  Anything that has ever been pagan was and always will be an abomination to God!!!!  We can't "clean it up", "turn it around", or just go "so far."  He requires us to worship Him in Spirit and truth - not ignorance and "bathed" occultism!

    I honestly believe that YHVH is very displeased when His people (especially His churches) participate in the world's ways - either willingly or ignorantly avoiding the truth of those ways.  IGNORANCE IS NOT AN EXCUSE!  We have more than enough intelligence and resources to know the truth, and we must make an effort at it!  The truth that we know, we are also held accountable to!

     If I could declare war on Halloween, I would; but, honestly, what good would that do?  What the rest of the world does is a moot point when God's people aren't doing right themselves!  If you are His, I beg you... be intelligent and informed about your actions!  Do your research, stay in prayer, and decide for yourself how your family can best serve and honor YHVH this year - every day.

     Here is a video to get you started!!!

Monday, August 12, 2013

Video Share: Evolution vs. God (Ray Comfort)

Ray Comfort seems to have declared war on evolution!!!  I have thoroughly enjoyed his material in the past, and his new video Evolution vs. God is a great continuation!  It's a little more than 45 minutes; take the time to watch this - you'll be glad you did!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Messianic Misconception #3: Legalism!

     This is by far the most common and vehement objection to the Hebrew Roots movement that I have encountered!  I've heard it preached in sermons, seen it written in articles, and everyone I've met who is part of this movement has had this accusation tossed at them at one point or another.  There is a great fear that this movement (because we choose to observe Torah) is an insidious plot to bring believers into bondage to the law.  I will attempt to address this concern without making this post overly lengthy, but there is much to say.  It may be that this will be continued in a second post in the interest of both time and space!

     Because this is the most serious objection to the movement, please take some time to "get ready" for what is about to be said.  Most importantly, pray!  YHVH Himself will lead you and guide you in your search for truth, so ask Him to make the truth clear to you while you read and study.  Also, please take the time to read a passage of scripture - Hebrews chapters 8-10.  These chapters will be critical in this article, and it will help you to have them fresh in your mind.  Of course, there are many New Testament scriptures concerning the "law", and you may want to peruse many of those as well!  Below, I've quoted a fairly good-sized portion of Hebrews 10 for you. Please, however, be sure to read the few chapters I've suggested to get the context of what is being said.  Also, This is a cut/paste job from a Bible study software, KJV, with the verse numbering removed for more fluid reading.  Please excuse the odd capitalization, etc., as I did not want to otherwise alter the text!

"For the law having a shadow of good things to come, and not the very image of the things, can never with those sacrifices which they offered year by year continually make the comers thereunto perfect. For then would they not have ceased to be offered? because that the worshippers once purged should have had no more conscience of sins. But in those sacrifices there is a remembrance again made of sins every year. For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sins. Wherefore when he cometh into the world, he saith, Sacrifice and offering thou wouldest not, but a body hast thou prepared me: In burnt offerings and sacrifices for sin thou hast had no pleasure. Then said I, Lo, I come (in the volume of the book it is written of me,) to do thy will, O God.  Above when he said, Sacrifice and offering and burnt offerings and offering for sin thou wouldest not, neither hadst pleasure therein; which are offered by the law; Then said he, Lo, I come to do thy will, O God. He taketh away the first, that he may establish the second. By the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all. And every priest standeth daily ministering and offering oftentimes the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins: But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand of God; From henceforth expecting till his enemies be made his footstool. For by one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified. Whereof the Holy Ghost also is a witness to us: for after that he had said before, This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, saith the Lord, I will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them; And their sins and iniquities will I remember no more. Now where remission of these is, there is no more offering for sin. Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus, By a new and living way, which he hath consecrated for us, through the veil, that is to say, his flesh;  And having an high priest over the house of God; Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water. Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;)  And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works: Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching. For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins, But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries.  He that despised Moses' law died without mercy under two or three witnesses:  Of how much sorer punishment, suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy, who hath trodden under foot the Son of God, and hath counted the blood of the covenant, wherewith he was sanctified, an unholy thing, and hath done despite unto the Spirit of grace?" Hebrews 10:1-29 KJV 

   It is well understood by the majority of Christians today that Christ's sacrifice on the cross (His blood) cleansed us from sin and that ONLY through His Righteousness are we righteous in the eyes of YHVH.  He paid the price to redeem us!  The Hebrew Roots Movement, as well, holds this to be true.  It is, however, our view of the law that has many concerned.

   It is widely believed that Christ redeemed us from the law.  Therefore, when we are in Christ, the law no longer applies to us - we are free in Christ!  Because of this belief, many are concerned about our teachings.  Namely, because we emphasize obedience to the Torah (law) of YHVH (God).  It is feared that we are "bringing believers into bondage to the law", "promoting legalism", or "refusing/denying grace".  If this misunderstanding alone could be cleared up, it would greatly impact both our movement and the church at large!  This will by no means be an all-out dissertation on the subject, but, hopefully, I can shed a little light!

    First, we must differentiate between being redeemed from the law ITSELF and being redeemed from the curse that comes from breaking the law.  If I break the law (and we all have), then I am guilty and will be punished.  The punishment for sin (defined biblically as "breaking the law") is death.  (1 John 3:4/Romans 6:23)  Now, Christ redeemed me by taking my curse - death.  Now, because of Him, I am seen as righteous and reconciled to God (YHVH).  We all agree on this!!!  However, if I am redeemed and counted guiltless, do I thereafter live lawlessly????  Am I free to walk out of the courtroom, down the street, and begin breaking laws again???  NO!!!  This is where the two views differ!  While it is claimed that we teach salvation by works (i.e. by law), we do not!  We do, however, believe that as born-again believers and followers of Yeshua (Jesus) we are not to live indifferent to, ignorant of, or in rebellion against God's law!  Why?  Because Jesus Himself kept the law, taught the law, fulfilled the law, and warned us against lawlessness!  To be Christ-like, we must be law-abiding citizens of the Kingdom of God!

     However, because some of Paul's statements in his letters can be confusing, and because they are often taken out of context, we have been led to believe that being "not under the law" (Romans 6:14) means we do not have to abide by the law.  But, this theory falls apart when you begin to look at ALL of what Paul taught about the law!  In Hebrews 8-10 (I hope you read those!), Paul explains fully what Yeshua's sacrifice did.  The sacrificial law (which dictated what was to be sacrificed for sin and how) could not redeem us.  The blood of those animals, covered Israel's sin for a year, then the sacrifice had to be repeated.  Why?  It was insufficient!  Yeshua (Jesus), the LAMB OF GOD became the once-and-for-all sacrifice for our sins.  Now, we no longer need to offer yearly sacrifices.  He fulfilled the law and redeemed us from our guilt/curse!  In these chapters, he fully spells it out for us!  He describes the temple, sacrifices, priests, etc. and explains how Christ (Yeshua) has done away with all of those! The moral law (which defines right/wrong for us) is not mentioned once.  Yeshua KEPT THE MORAL LAW PERFECTLY because if He didn't He would be spotted with sin Himself, His death would have been deserved, and He could not have redeemed us!!!

So, are we trying to bring you into bondage???  NO!  In order to do that, we would have to somehow nullify Christ's sacrifice and bring the curse of your sin back upon your own head.  We have neither the desire nor the power to do such a thing!  We are, however, trying to warn believers that one of the most popular doctrines in Christianity today is a dangerous misunderstanding of scripture, and may actually distance you from God (YHVH) more than draw you closer!!!  STUDY THIS FOR YOURSELF!!!  Please, this is too important for you to simply adopt the answer you like best or believe whatever your favorite preacher says!  Remember, Yeshua WARNED us that not all who call Him Lord will enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, but those who DO THE FATHER'S WILL.  (Please see my "Faith By Default" article here.)

    So, the bottom line is, we keep the law (as best we can).  Why?  To honor YHVH!  To be obedient to HIM!  Not to earn salvation, but to please our Father!  Plus, in our attempts to keep His law, we see vividly how much we need our Savior!  The law is our "schoolmaster" (Paul said that) to show us our sin so that we will seek His grace!

 I'm going to leave you with some things spoken by Paul in scripture concerning the law.  Try and reconcile these with the popular church teaching that the law doesn't apply to us! (These will be paraphrased.)

Romans 6:15 - Should we sin (break the law) because we are not under the law?  God forbid!

Romans 7:7 - Should we say the law is sin? God forbid!

Romans 2:13 - Those who hear God's law are not justified, but those who do!

Romans 6:12 - Don't let sin control you that you obey it!  (There can be no accusation of sin if there is not law.  Sin is the breaking of the law!  If the law is truly obsolete, then sin does not exist.)

Romans 7:12 - The law is holy, righteous and good! (Why? Because it makes us aware of our sin!)

1 Timothy 1:8 - The law is good when used rightly.  (Remember it does not/can not justify us.  That does not mean it has no place!)

Now, Yeshua's words:

Matthew 5:17-19 - I have come to fulfill the law, not to destroy it.  Not one jot or tittle will pass from the law until ALL be fulfilled.  Those who break the commandments will be least in the Kingdom!

Luke 16:7 - It's easier for heaven and earth to fail than the law!

Matthew 15:3 - Why do you break the commandment of God for tradition??? (See also Mark 7:8-9)

John 14:15 - If you love me, keep my commandments! (See also verse 21).

Can the law save us? - No!
Can we be "good enough" by the law's standards to be righteous? - No!
Can we earn our salvation or pay Jesus back by keeping the law? - No!
Are we under the law? - No! (If we are truly His, we are under grace.)
Are we redeemed from obeying the law? - No! We are redeemed from the curse punishment for our breaking of the law!
Was the law important to Jesus/Yeshua? -YES! See above!
Will obedience to the law put us in bondage??? - NO!!!  Breaking the law puts you in bondage to it, not keeping it! In fact, God's blessings are contingent on keeping His laws! (Deuteronomy 28)
Is keeping the law legalistic? - NO!!!  Legalism is an attitude that is overly focused on the letter and minute detail of the law with no room for error or grace.  Just as obeying speed limits is not "legalistic", neither is obeying Torah!

Don't Forget - YHVH (God) gave us the law!  Our perfect, all-knowing, loving creator Who NEVER CHANGES and DOES NOT LIE!  The law is good!  Why would He die to redeem us from something good He gave us???  We need redemption because we've broken His law, not because His law is a burden!  King David (you know... "man after God's own heart") delighted in the law (see Psalms 1:2, 40:8) and the book of Proverbs (all the wisdom stuff) exalts God's law! (See Proverbs 28:7, 7:2)

Draw closer to God - in obedience!  No minister would ever tell you that murder or adultery were OK, would they???  His law is a blessing - to teach, guide, and bless us as we obey!  Your failures are already paid for - thank you, Yeshua - so you don't have to panic!  If you belong to Him, seek to please Him!

Be blessed!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Messianic Misconception #2 - New Names

     This misconception I've only heard once, but it was from an online video, so I'm sure there are some who have this same concern.  I choose to address it now, however, not because it's so widespread, but because it will explain a very prominent feature of the Hebrew Roots movement - the "new" names of God and Jesus.

     You won't have to look far into articles, teachings, or websites of the Hebrew Roots movement before you start to see/hear the names YHVH/YHWH (pronounced most commonly as either "Yahweh" or "Yehovah") and Yeshua (Jesus).  The concern has been voiced (especially when it comes to these names being included in Bible versions) that we are replacing "God", "Lord", and "Jesus" with our "new" names.  It was hinted at that we were promoting new gods and, therefore, undermining the true scripture and faith!

     This could not be further from the truth, and most, I think, understand what these names actually are.  I will explain here, though, so  that there will not be any confusions going forward - escpecially since you will see the usage of these names in this blog!

     YHVH (In Hebrew: yod-hay-vav-hay)  is the tetragrammaton, or the PROPER NAME of the God of the Bible!  He revealed His name to us (see recommended reading for "His Hallowed Name Revealed Again"), and it has not been faithfully translated for us in scripture.  The original texts are clear in this matter.  When you see this name used in Bible translations in place of God, it is simply a more faithful translation of what was really there to begin with!  We are still referring to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob!  Also, you will hear this name pronounced differently, as there is some debate as to its proper pronunciation.

    The same is true for Yeshua.  "Jesus" in an anglicized version of a Greek translation of a Hebrew name!  That name is Yeshua.  If you watch the Passion of the Christ, you will hear this name!  We are still referring to the same Messiah.  We are not preaching a "different Christ".  We're just calling Him by His given name!  We do this out of respect and a love for the original Hebrew origins of our faith.  (Also, we do not feel it is "wrong" to call Him Jesus.)

     There are many other Hebrew words you will see used often in this movement.  Often times in translation, a word from one language will not have an adequate equivalent in another.  Translators do their best, but there is usually some meaning and much beauty lost when something is moved from the original language to a second, third, and so-on.  Anyone who speaks multiple languages can attest to this!  Our choice to use Hebrew words can be based on love of the language, nuance of meaning, or other factors.  While it can make our "stuff" sound very different, you'll find we strive to remain true to scripture!

  There it is - short and sweet! Don't forget... if you have concerns about this movement you would like to see addressed, reply here or send us a message on Facebook!

   May YHVH bless and keep you!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Messianic Misconception #1: Apostasy!

One of the chief and most common objections to the "Messianic Movement" or "Hebrew Roots Movement" is that we are in apostasy. This means, put simply, that we have moved out of the realm of the teachings of Christianity and into something foreign and WRONG! This is backed up with other objections, which will be discussed in more detail in later postings. For now, we'll just cover apostasy by itself.

Image courtesy of
Regardless of the reasoning behind it, if this accusation is true, it is to be taken very seriously. To move outside of the teachings of scripture and apart from what YHVH (God) has commanded or taught us is to move outside of our faith altogether and to separate ourselves from YHVH. In this life, this leads to bad doctrine (of varying degrees), sometimes even as far as cultic practices and behaviors. Worse, all the while believers usually have a false sense of security about where they stand. (Matt 7:21-27) Still worse, we will spend eternity without YHVH. Many times, those raising this accusation against us are simply trying to protect those they love, as they should!

So, is this movement apostate??? I certainly don't believe so. Here's why....

Firstly, we are not moving away from scripture. It is a major part of the Hebrew Roots movement to dig into scripture as much as possible - especially the original language. Because of this digging, we have a new understanding and appreciation of the Word of YHVH. We have, however, found the teachings of scripture to differ from what is widely taught today, and this is where some of the confusion may be setting in. (More about that in a moment.) Also, we do not have "other scriptures" as many apostate groups have. We do not claim special revelation, we're not following a prophet, we are not restricted to what books we can/can not read, and we interpret scripture with scripture - not with other "writings". Some of these issues will be covered in future posts as well. It is common within the movement to hear other sources quoted (such as The Book of Jasher and the Book of Enoch), but these are not held in the esteem of scripture. We consider these to be historical sources (much like Josephus), and we consider them to be trustworthy because they themselves are referenced in the Bible!
Secondly, we are not leaving our faith. On the contrary, we are growing in our faith! Because of what we've learned in scripture we choose to practice Christianity differently than most, but we are in no way abandoning Christianity! This, I believe, may also be a confusion as a result of many "messianics" leaving their churches. Here is where we need to begin defining our terms! For the purposes of this article, I chose to use the biblical definition of a Christian - one who is following Christ. (I believe this is the only true definition! If we define Christian as someone belonging to the Christian church, then the disciples and other 1st century believers weren't Christians!) We still follow Christ, and we try to follow Him as closely as we can. Therefore, we are still Christians! We simply see and practice the faith from a different perspective. It is common for messianics to leave their churches, however, which often causes controversy and misunderstanding. We often find it difficult to remain in churches because of our differences in doctrine and practice (holidays and such). It becomes uncomfortable, and many seek out messianic congregations with whom they have more in common. Leaving an organization, however, is not the same as leaving the faith, something we have no intention of doing. In fact, leaving the church is often difficult for messianics because of the relationships we have built there!

My third and final argument against an accusation of apostasy is this...We are held to a standard of right/wrong (be it in doctrine or action) by scripture itself. While a relatively young movement and its people are bound to make mistakes, we seek to be true to scripture and no other standard. Whether we adopt or reject any teaching or practice, the decision is made on scripture; and if we later discover any mistakes, we seek to rectify those. Are we perfect? Of course not. Do we always get it spot-on? No. Are our hearts in the right place? Yes! My point is simply that we are not "governed" by people, groups, weird experiences, other writings or anything else. We hold ourselves to the best of our knowledge and ability to scripture - the same Bible used by the church!

This just scratches the surface of what will be addressed as these posts continue. There are certainly other defenses of our faith for you to find, and many may go into more detail. I hope, however, that I have given you enough for you to begin accurately assessing the Hebrew Roots movement. If you weigh the arguments, and you still think we are apostate, then by all means you must reject our teachings and defend your own faith. If you find, however, that we are teaching truth, embrace it! Yeshua (Jesus) taught that the truth would set us free (John 8:32), but He also said that truth would come from following Him and living in His Word (John 8:31)! We must be careful to make sure we find the right truth!

In future posts, I will address other concerns about this movement. If you have specific concerns you would like to see addressed, please comment here, on the post "Messianic Misconceptions - Intro", or leave us a message on our Facebook page. We look forward to hearing from you! Be blessed.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Messianic Misconceptions - Intro

  Since coming into a Hebrew Roots perspective of the faith less than a year ago, I have heard many objections to the movement and its teachings.  Sometimes it can be hard to distinguish if someone is objecting from a standpoint of sincerity or attack, but either way many are voicing their concerns.  I feel it is important for us to listen to these concerns and take them seriously.  After all, anyone (including ourselves) can be mistaken about something, and there is always room in everyone for growth and learning!  I would certainly not expect anyone to "jump on board" any belief system or movement without doing their homework and checking everything by scripture, so I am glad to hear objections and challenges!  However, when these concerns are voiced, we need to answer them.  Any true believer and seeker of truth will want to hear our answers in order to weigh the evidence and decide for themselves.  In addition, many of us will face these and other concerns among our friends, families, and even churches.  We should always be ready and able to accurately communicate our faith to anyone asking! (1 Peter 3:15)

  For this reason, I am beginning a new series - Messianic Misconceptions!  Each article will address one misconception or concern that I have heard voiced about our teachings.  You must, of course, weigh the arguments for yourself to decide, but I will do my best to provide an accurate and clear representation of both the argument and its response.  There are, naturally, many other resources you can find to support and defend both sides of the argument, and I hope you will do your homework.  It is a passion of mine that all believers take their faith seriously and give YHVH (God) the devotion and due diligence He deserves!  Don't stop here!  Take your search as far and as deep as you can until you are fully convinced in your own mind what the Truth (as defined in scripture) is! (Romans 14:5)

   In addition to your own reading, it may be helpful for your friends and family to read these articles as well if, maybe, they, too, are skeptical or concerned.  Everyone is welcome here, and comments are always appreciated! (Respectful and on-topic comments only, please.)

    If you have specific objections with which you have been confronted and would like to see addressed, please comment to this post.  I will, then, include those in my series.  Check back soon for our first objection!

Image courtesy of

Monday, June 24, 2013

New Content!

Good morning and happy Monday to you! 

I just wanted to take a moment to let you know about our new blog page - Recommended Resources!  Here, I will maintain a list of websites, programs, books (only ones I've read myself), and other resources that I have enjoyed for you to check out.  This list is currently under construction and will be updated often, so please check back for new additions!  Also, stay tuned for more book reviews coming soon.

Happy surfing!  May Jehovah (God) bless you as you seek Him!

*Image courtesy of

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Cancelling Christmas

     In my February post entitled "A Line in the Sand" I posed the question, "If I am HIS child, if I am HIS servant, why am I the one defining the boundaries?"  It is from this launching point that I write today, though I had not intended to wait so long for my follow-up.  If you have not read that article, please do so before reading this one.  I sincerely want anyone reading this to understand where I am coming from as what I'm about to say could be easily misunderstood.

     As I mentioned, several months ago (though still less than a year), my faith was greatly changed - and deepened - as I was challenged to re-evaluate all of my boundaries and beliefs.  It was one of those times in my life when I felt as if God were "force-feeding" me, in a sense.  He seemed to be saying so much to me through His Word and through sermons, etc., and He seemed to be saying it so quickly, that I could hardly keep up!  Times like that are rare and amazing, but at the same time, they can seem overwhelming as well.  Little did I know then that He was getting ready to turn my world upside down!

     I share this story with you in hopes of connecting with some of you who have experienced or are currently experiencing the same.  I hope my experience and perspective will encourage you in your faith and maybe even take you a little deeper!  I welcome your comments and input.

     I was presented (via sermon) with Deuteronomy, chapter 12.  Here, YHWH (God) is about to take the Israelites into the Promised Land.  He, however, warns them concerning the pagan religions that they will run into when they get there.  He explicitly instructs them to keep His ways and not to try to "repackage" their ways or use their items of worship for Him.  This was the first time that I had been presented with His line in the sand concerning proper worship of Him. 

     It was then that I began to realize... How we worship matters!  Not only that, it isn't up to us!  These, to me, were radical ideas.  I had always believed that my heart, my sincerity, my intention was the ultimate factor in any worship.  Now, I've got a preacher I've never heard of showing me where the Bible says otherwise!!!  Needless to say, that presented a small problem in my faith.  I had to, at that point, (as I mentioned in the previous article) either abide by his boundaries, or create my own.  It was either obedience or rebellion - not both!

Be careful!  Otherwise, your hearts will deceive you and you will turn away to serve other gods and worship them."  Deuteronomy 11:16, ISV

     Why was this such a big deal?  I continued to learn about the origins of many of our modern-day "Christian" ways - pagan origins!  I'll use Christmas as an example.  The tree, the lights, the gifts, Santa and His elves, even the date of Christmas are all pagan in origin.  None of it points to or represents the birth of Christ, as we are taught.  The same can be said for Valentine's Day and even Easter.  I'm not sure how these were all brought into our Christian tradition, so I won't argue that point, but when you see where it comes from, one thing is certain - they are all pagan holidays that have been repackaged ("Christianized") for us. 

     When I try to reconcile that with Deuteronomy 12, I can't.  If they began pagan, then they are unacceptable to YHWH!!!  No matter how sincere I am, no matter how much I love and serve Christ, how I worship/celebrate Him must be done God's way.  Wow.... bombshell.  I don't know any better word for it.

     So, I did what I have heard of others in my situation doing (although I don't know any of them personally).  Yup, I cancelled Christmas.  I don't even know if I did it well, especially when it came to the sensitive issues of the holidays with my family, but I did it.  We celebrated Hanukkah instead.  And I don't think we did that well, either!  Neither I nor my husband had any Hanukkah experience, so we did the best we could.  Then, we skipped Valentine's Day altogether and celebrated Passover, not Easter. 

     How was it?  At the same time wonderful and eye-opening, challenging and awkward.  We intend to continue to learn about and celebrate the biblical holidays, that we've always considered to be Jewish.  As for now, our celebrations are novice at best, but over time, we'll learn.  I'm not sure anyone who knows understand why - and I'm pretty sure they don't like it, but we have to be obedient to God.

     Am I saying that if you celebrate Christmas, Easter, etc. you're not a real Christian?  No, I've been a real Christian for years now, and I celebrated those holidays up until this past December.  And, I'm not saying that this is a salvation issue.  We can only be saved by Christ on the cross.  I have, however, come to see it as a worship issue, and I believe YHWH will continue to bring His people to that same crossroads.  We are all going to have to choose one side of that line or the other.  It is difficult for me to see Christmas trees in churches, believers celebrating Halloween, and many other things that I, over time, have come to view from a different perspective.  I know, however, many sincere believers that do these things, and I do not doubt their commitment to their faith. 

     It is my heart, however, to write about the challenges of faith in hopes of both challenging and encouraging others.  I do believe this to be an issue for modern-day Christians, and I hope you will consider this prayerfully.  There are many resources and ministries through which you can do your own research, but I'm posting here the one that He used to wake me up.  It is long, but it is well worth it, and I encourage you to take the time to watch. 


Thursday, March 14, 2013

A Thought....

                It seems to be that when we evangelize as Christians today, we are asking other people to take actions that we, ourselves, are fearful of and unwilling to take.  When we speak to non-believers or believers of other religions, we may not always realize the implications of what we are asking them to do.

                We are asking them, firstly, to step back and take an objective look at all they believe, much of which has been handed down to them through generations of loved ones.  Then, from this objective position, we hope to show them which of those beliefs and traditions are unbiblical and/or ungodly.  We are asking them to open themselves up to the offense they may feel when we challenge everything their families have always believed and to allow us to place their most treasured truths under the microscope of biblical Truth.

                Then, if they agree that, indeed, God’s Truth has shown their previously-held beliefs to be false, we are asking them to repent and turn to God and to truly become followers of Yeshua (Jesus).  For many of them, depending on their individual backgrounds, such a change would involve incredibly difficult backlash.  Some faiths would even call for their deaths!  Others may still face rejection from their families – even to the point of being disowned and abandoned.  Regardless of the details, many will have to make changes in their lives that threaten to leave them lonely, misunderstood, rejected, etc.

                Do I believe that this process of evangelism is necessary for bringing a lost world back to God?  Of course!  And I believe that these difficulties that many will face will all one day seem pale in comparison to the glory of God and eternity with Him.

                However, I also find it hypocritical of many of us today to ask such difficult things of others when we are unwilling to face those same difficulties and trials ourselves.  We, as Christians, are accustomed to asking others to step back and listen to what we have to say, but we do not even trust each other enough to do the same!  We have become so defensive of our own beliefs and traditions that we cannot even be so open with our fellow believers!

                How can we ever hope to lead these “others” to Christ when we, ourselves, are unwilling to face the discomfort of a challenged belief system or the personal pain of disapproving family and friends?  We are asking them to walk miles in shoes we ourselves have never worn!  Worse, we are attempting to “lead” them through territory we, ourselves, know nothing of! 

Where will they find the understanding and support they need if, indeed, they do make such radical changes in their lives?  Could they possibly hope to find it in us when we do not, at all, understand? 

                As long as we keep asking the world to “convert” to our ways and beliefs when we ourselves are closed to biblical scrutiny of our own ways, I think we may ask too much!  Not because we shouldn’t want the world to come to salvation, but because we are ill equipped to guide them there!  While we may have Truth on our side, it seems that our love may be lacking a little.

                What then?  Do I suggest that we stop evangelizing altogether?  Far from it!  We are commanded to go and reach the nations with Yeshua’s gospel.  But there was a time, when the church was young, that everyone knew exactly the price that was paid to become His follower.  Everyone had to face the same scrutiny of beliefs and most, if not all, faced the same backlash from loved ones.  During this time (read the Book of Acts), the church grew by leaps and bounds!  Thousands came to Christ at a time, and miracles were commonplace.  Could it have been, partly, because no one was insulated from challenge or persecution?  They walked a hard road, but they walked it together – in unity – as a family.  They had each other, even if they had no one else!  Are we offering such a community to those we are challenging today?  Do they have a soft place to land or a support system of any kind if they make the decisions we are asking them to make?  What do we offer them?

For which of you, desiring to build a tower, doth not first sit down and count the cost, whether he have wherewith to complete it?  Lest haply, when he hath laid a foundation, and is not able to finish, all that behold begin to mock him, saying, “This man began to build, and was not able to finish”.  Or what king, as he goeth to encounter another king in war, will not sit down first and take counsel whether he is able with ten thousand to meet him that cometh against him with twenty thousand?  Or else, while the other is yet a great way off, he sendeth an ambassage, and asketh conditions of peace.  So therefore whosoever he be of you that renounceth not all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple.”   - Jesus (Luke 14:28-33 ASV)


            Christ, Himself, has told us that we cannot be His disciple without renouncing all that we have!  In other scriptures, we are instructed to love Him more than any family member – even our own parents or children!  Have we, ourselves, counted the cost?  Or have we remained so “protected” by our own traditions that we’ve never had to?

                May I submit that, until we are able to lay ourselves open before God and scrutinize our every belief and practice by His Word that we are unqualified to require the same of others?  May I also suggest that this would include the input of our Christian brothers and sisters – especially including those of other denominations with whom we disagree? 

                We should never allow unbiblical doctrine to change our beliefs, but until the Bride of Christ can challenge herself to truly get to the bottom of her beliefs, how can she ask that of others?  Many of us have only heard one perspective.  We’ve been taught why that is right and all others are wrong.  As a result, we have thousands upon thousands of denominations (foundations) in Christianity, but we have not been able to build our tower!  We are rightfully criticized by the world when they speak of our incredible disunity – all in the same religion!  Perhaps, if we open ourselves to biblical truth – even when it disrupts our denominational worlds – we could begin to unify under the proper banner – His!

                However, until we are willing and able to walk the road we present to others, I fear we may always be ineffective in evangelizing and witnessing to a dying world!      









Monday, February 4, 2013

A Line in the Sand...

     We all draw lines in our lives.  We all have the freedom and ability to determine what is acceptable to us and what crosses the lines we have drawn.  In order to maintain our boundaries, we must enforce the limits on ourselves and defend them from others.  At times, we defend these limits vehemently, and at times we cross them ourselves!
     But what lines do we draw concerning our faith and why?  Are our limits determined by our own denominations? Our own upbringings?  Our life experiences?  What about our own reason or understanding?
     Whatever the criteria, we must have clearly defined limits of right and wrong - good and evil - if we are to live lives which please God.
     But I have come to realize as of late that these boundaries (and the criteria behind them) are often hindering our walks with God!  In recent months, I have felt the challenge in my life to question many of my boundaries, and many of them have been either drastically redefined or altogether obliterated as I grow in my faith and understanding.  Often these changes have been well outside of my "comfort zone", but what I'm trying to get at goes well beyond mere comfort.
     Ask yourself:
      ...Do I limit my faith and obedience to God?
      ...If so, how and why?
      ...What areas of my life are "off limits" to being changed or challenged?  Finances? Career? Hobbies? Entertainment? Love life? Family and friends? My established beliefs and traditions?  My denomination and its teachings?
     Be brutally honest with yourself.  Then, ask the most important question....

If I am His child, if I am His servant, why am I the one defining the boundaries???

Photo courtesy of 

    What I have learned is this - when God's Word, His Truth, shows us what is right, we have only two choices.  We can be His people - we can obey, change, correct ourselves, whatever it takes.  Or, we can defend our own boundaries - whatever they may be.
     There is an account in the Old Testament where Moses draws a line in the sand and all the people must chose their side - Moses and God or rebellion and self.  What happened to all those who chose wrongly?  The earth opened and swallowed them up!
     If we are sincerely seeking God and His ways, He will show us.  Take it from me when I tell you - His ways are not generally the easiest!  He is, I believe, drawing a line in the sand for us today.  Many of us draw an alternative line as if to say in response, "I will go this far and no further!"  Are we really so foolish as to think God would, then, re-draw His boundaries to include us in our obstinance and rebellion?  Isn't He God?  Who are we???
     I will be sharing with you some of my own stories of God redefining my obedience to Him.  It started with me having to face the questions that I'm presenting to you now.  In order for me to be able to make any of it make sense to you, I have to start here.
     We will all have to choose our side of HIS line - in spite of other factors.  It may be that we do not have the support of friends or family.  It may cost us time or money, and we may have to make hard, uncomfortable changes.  But, if we are not willing to cross these self-imposed boundaries, we will stand, ultimately, in rebellion to Him!

     Please give this heart-felt consideration!  In the mean time, be blessed and enjoy the beautiful day He has made for you!

"Not everyone that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven."
- Jesus (Matthew 7:21)

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Our First Giveaway!!!

     Check it out!!!  On the right side of the page, you can enter for chances to win our first giveaway!!!  This month (I'm hoping to make this a regular thing) we're giving away a copy of Eric Metaxas' book Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Prophet, Martyr, Spy!  It was the first book review done on this blog!!!  If you've not heard of it, check the previous posts for the review.
     As for the format, I aim to please!  If you are a Kindle or Nook owner and you're willing to give me your e-mail address, I will send it to your device!  Or, if you prefer, I will mail you a hard copy!  Just keep an eye out for the winner announcement - the giveaway ends in one week!

Book Review: Radical

     Radical by David Platt has been on the market for a while now.   I had heard good things about it from others, so I decided to check it out myself.  I have to say that i was not disappointed!  Platt, a pastor in Alabama, takes a serious, objective look at how the American Dream has influenced our faith.  Then he issues a no-holds-barred challenge to all American believers to return to the biblical gospel, leaving comfort, cultural norms, and self-focus behind. 
     It is refreshing to hear any Christian leader urging the faith community to go beyond themselves in pursuit of God and His will, and Pastor Platt does so in a way that is as conversational and inspiring as it is challenging.  The book reads more like a brother calling out to family than a superior railing or criticizing subordinates.  It is obvious that his heart is in his message, and that he himself is pursuing the heart of God. 
    I highly recommend this book to all believers.  We need this challenge in our church culture today, and we need to be asking ourselves the questions this book raises!  

Selected Quotes from Radical:  (I read on a Nook, so page number may not match printed book.)

"This brings us to the crucial question for every professing or potential follower of Jesus:  Do we really believe he is worth abandoning everything for?  Do you and I really believe that Jesus is so good, so satisfying, and so rewarding that we will leave all we have and all we own and all we are in order to find our fullness in him?  Do you and I believe him enough to obey him and follow him wherever he leads, even when the crowds in our culture - and maybe in our churches - turn the other way?
In this book I want to show you that, with the best of intentions, we have actually turned away from Jesus.  We have in many areas blindly and unknowingly embraced values and ideas that are common in our culture but are antithetical to the gospel he taught.  Here we stand amid an American dream dominated by self-advancement, self-esteem, and self-sufficiency, by individualism, materialism, and universalism.  Yet I want to show you our desperate need to revisit the words of Jesus, to listen to them, to believe them, and to obey them.  We need to return with urgency to a biblical gospel, because the cost of not doing so is great for our lives, our families, our churches, and the world around us."  (page 21)


"Fundamentally, the gospel is the revelation of who God is, who we are, and how we can be reconciled to Him.  Yet in the American dream, where self reigns as king (or queen), we have a dangerous tendency to misunderstand, minimize, and even manipulate the gospel in order to accommodate our assumptions and our desires"  (page 25)


"Meanwhile, the biblical gospel says, 'You are an enemy of God, dead in your sin, and in your present state of rebellion, you are not even able to see that you need life, much less to cause yourself to come to life.  Therefore, you are radically dependent on God to do something in your life that you could never do.... In the gospel God reveals the depth of our need for him.  He shows us that there is absolutely nothing we can do to come to him.  We can't manufacture salvation.  We can't program it.  We can't produce it.  We can't even initiate it.  God has to open our eyes, set us free, overcome our evil, and appease his wrath.  He has come to us.  Now we are getting to the beauty of the gospel." (p.28)

Radical Official Webpage:  Here

Radical at Barnes and Noble: Here
Radical at Amazon: Here

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Follow and Stay Connected!

This year, I have committed to working more on this blog.  My hope is to build it up both in readership and content!  To begin, I have created both a Facebook and a Twitter account.  You can find the links for both on the right-hand side of the main page!

I'm also looking into other means of building our community, so keep an eye out!  There are even plans underway for a giveaway!!!  If you have any other suggestions, don't hesitate to let me know!

Be blessed!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Article Share - Lost in Translation

Good morning, friends!

Today, I would like to do something a little different.  Instead of writing for you myself to share what I have found, I would like to share the original article with you.

This article, "Lost In Translation:  Rediscovering the Hebrew Roots of Our Faith", by John Klein and Adam Spears, shares details pertaining to the traditional Hebrew wedding and provides many insights concerning our relationship with Christ.  I found it to be very faith-building, as it gave me many details I had not known before.

Take a few moments today to read this passage.  I can guarantee it will speak to you and give you much to think about! 

Thursday, January 3, 2013

True Faith?

     If you've read my page "Faith by Default," then you know that this is one of those subjects that weighs heavy on my heart.  It's been several years ago now, but God changed my faith greatly when He began to deal with me concerning the nature of true faith vs. false faith.  The scriptures are clear that we are saved by FAITH ALONE through Jesus Christ. (Galatians 2:16)  If we somehow get it wrong in the area of faith, we've missed it all together.  What a terrifying thought!  I could spend my whole life sincerely believing in and (at least in my understanding) serving Jesus, and then, on judgement day, I could be rejected???  Ouch!
     It becomes obvious, then, that we MUST have a true biblical understanding of what constitutes faith.  Otherwise, we could not possibly judge our own standing with God, much less be able to encourage or lead others into faith!  This understanding should be "Bible 101" for all believers!  Sadly, however, there are many varying teachings about faith, and they can't all be right!  What we've been told may not be entirely true - we would be foolish not to take a healthy, soul-searching look at biblical faith.

     In his essay, "Hebrew Thought Compared With Greek (Western) Thought", (available here:, N'tan Lawrence briefly explores this very topic. He writes:
Similar to this concept is the Hebrew word for faith (emunah), which not only means belief as in mental ascent, but also means faithfulness, or the actions following the mouth's confession to belief in something. For example, there are far too many nominal Christians who have at some time in their life pronounced the words, "I believe in Jesus Christ and accept him as my Lord and Savior" (as per Rom. 10:9-10) as if these words were merely some magical mantra or formula which when pronounced guarantee one's eternal security regardless of subsequent lifestyle and actions. Hebraically, such a concept of pronouncing a word without following it up with actions makes the word null, void, and meaningless. This is the concept that the writers of Scripture had when they penned such popular Christian salvation passages as Romans 10:9-10. To not understand the proper meaning of the words of Holy Scripture Hebraically can result in false teachings going forth leading to false conversions leading to many people thinking they are spiritually saved when in reality they are the walking damned! (p.6)
     Did you catch that????  Words are "null, void, and meaningless" if they are not followed up with action!  This makes perfect sense, and it bears out in scripture when we consider that we are to "bear fruit".  Jesus taught us that a tree is known by its fruit - not by the noise it makes!  Paul outlined for us what fruit we should be seeing in our lives and the lives of other Christians (Galatians 5).  But we tend to separate this from our saving faith.  Scripture does not!  One is the proof of the other!
    Have you ever asked anyone to make you a sandwich, only to hear them say, "POOF! You're a sandwich."?  It doesn't work in Christianity, either.  The Bible gives no support to, "Say this prayer...POOF! You're a Christian!"
     My intention is not to criticize or point fingers at others in any way.  But, if we don't straighten out our thinking on the very DEFINITION of our faith, we are indeed the "walking damned."  And, we will likely create more "walking damned" and praise ourselves for evangelizing!
     Scripture tell us to examine ourselves to prove whether or not we are in the faith (2 Corinthians 13:5), and we would do well to listen!  We must set ourselves straight before we can even hope to help others or lead them into faith (Matthew 7:3-5).
     What I am saying should be no revelation.  I have known many ministers and pastors who have noticed and struggled with the inefficiency and failings of our modern approach to "salvation".  Men and women of God are beginning to realize where things have gone astray, and they are fighting to make things right.  Let's have the same strength in our own lives.  Let's take it seriously and have the courage to change in our lives (or even ministries) whatever we feel has not lined up with the Word of God.  There is still time to get it right, but there won't always be.

"And thou, Solomon, my son, know thou the God of thy Father, and serve Him with a perfect heart and a willing mind:  for the LORD searcheth all hearts, and understandeth all the imaginations of the thoughts:  if thou seek Him, He will be found of thee; but if thou forsake Him He will cast thee off forever."
(2 Chronicles 28:9)

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